Marko (123230)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (383 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Eloquent formals
Published Feb 18, 2009
My Latest Sims 1 Creations (261 in total) Show all my Sims 1 Creations
About Me
In the past 5 years, since I’ve been creating custom content for The Sims, I got a lot of positive feedback from other people, which has always inspired me to make even more creations. However, I came to realise that there should be some rules regarding my creations I would like you to follow.
1.)I always take as much time as I need to create something I believe would not only satisfy my needs, but also the needs of those who download custom content, so I try to create a small artwork as perfect as possible. Therefore, I would like you to respect that, and not use any parts of my meshes/textures for your own creations.
2.)Feel free to make creations for the meshes that I’ve made (both body and hair), but don’t upload them to any other site. After all, why would somebody get something for free if you had to pay for it?
3.)B/c I do have a real life as well, filled with many tasks (mostly connected to my education), I don’t have time to do requests of any kind. Also, if you tried to contact me via e mails or PM`s, don’t be angry if I don’t respond as soon as you would like me to. I apologize in advance if you don’t get a response from me at all.
4.)And, most importantly – ENJOY. These creations were uploaded b/c of you and your enjoyment, so if you respect the first three rules, this one will be a peace of cake!
My Latest Updates Show All
All over the place!Written Mar 19, 2009
Yes, literally! Hello everyone! It`s been a while since I`ve uploaded some new stuff, and that`s for 2 reasons - 1. My Milkshape decided to refuse any further cooperation with me - when ever I try to make a hair/body mesh, it crashes! I`ve done everything I could (the problem is with Unimesh plugin and the "bone weight" tool), and for the time being I`m stuck with making... ...More
Here we go again...Written Sep 12, 2008
After serving about 50 people at a party, picking up plums in an orchard, babysitting 3-month-old diaper filler and enduring a 4-hour train ride back, I can finally say - I am back! I hope you all had a great summer (it might not seem like that, but mine was pretty good), and now it is time to get back to studying and free-time simming! At this point, I have to admit I made no new sets for... ...More
It’s that time again...Written Jul 18, 2008
Summer, sun, vacation! As every year, I’m spending some time with my parents, so I’ll be away till September. Also, as every year, I’ve uploaded some sets that will be released while I’m gone, so I don’t think you’ll be missing me. And, as every year, I wish you all a great summer, fantastic vacations and lots of fun! See you all in September! ...More
My Guestbook Show All
NethernyCAug 08, 2022
Hi Marko,
I'm playing Sims 1 (found all the discs in a drawer). The heads you made are gorgeous, but the ones I d/l'ed have no meshes. I can't get them to show up without the meshes.
jes sale Aug 31, 2015
thank you
brooklyn1793Jun 09, 2011
Posh Party Hair Set is the BESSSSTTT ... thanks so much ... i love your work ... please keep it up .... thanks ...