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Marko's Blog

All over the place!

Yes, literally!

Hello everyone! It`s been a while since I`ve uploaded some new stuff, and that`s for 2 reasons -


1. My Milkshape decided to refuse any further cooperation with me - when ever I try to make a hair/body mesh, it crashes! I`ve done everything I could (the problem is with Unimesh plugin and the "bone weight" tool), and for the time being I`m stuck with making textures. NOT that I`m regreting it ;)


2. As of last week, I too am a proud Deviant! I decided to publish my sketches to get some feedback from the people who know a bit more about the whole CG and Photoshop world, and I`ve been keeping myself busy with reading tutorials, books and such...I still have a long way to go, but if you got some free time, check out and comment either here or you like ;)

New formals set on the way. I promise! As for new hair meshes...not so soon, I`m afraid. Win some, loose some, I guess.


Stay tuned!

Here we go again...

After serving about 50 people at a party, picking up plums in an orchard, babysitting 3-month-old diaper filler and enduring a 4-hour train ride back, I can finally say - I am back! I hope you all had a great summer (it might not seem like that, but mine was pretty good), and now it is time to get back to studying and free-time simming! At this point, I have to admit I made no new sets for upload, but I decided to publish three new hair meshes I have made some time ago. I did not make textures for them though, but I figured it would be better to publish them and have others give it a try than letting them be "sitting ducks" at my hard drive. I’m really looking forward to see how others interpret them and what kind of different hairstyles are going to "pop up", so get your creative juices flowing and surprise and amaze us all! As for me, I am working on some clothing sets ATM, and you will be the first ones to see them, download them and, hopefully, enjoy them.

Until then, keep simming!

It’s that time again...

Summer, sun, vacation! As every year, I’m spending some time with my parents, so I’ll be away till September. Also, as every year, I’ve uploaded some sets that will be released while I’m gone, so I don’t think you’ll be missing me. And, as every year, I wish you all a great summer, fantastic vacations and lots of fun! See you all in September!

So, guess what...

On May 22nd, at 2 AM I became an uncle! My sister gave birth to a healthy baby boy and named him Leo! We are all so happy right now - I finally have an excuse to call my parents old ( "Hey grandpa!" " What’s up grandma?" ), and I get to teach my nephew how to drive my sister and brother-in-law crazy with 1001 questions starting with "Why?" I’m so going to be a cool, funny and good-looking uncle who’s like...well, cool! I can’t wait! As for now all Leo does is sleeping, eating and pooping (yea, a regular diaper filler. Kid’s got skills!), but when he starts walking and talking he and I are going to drive people into insanity. In 3 different languages!

As for the glorious world of The Sims, new uploads are on the way. You may have noticed that my recent hairstyles have a retro touch to them, and that will continue to be so. Both "Released" and "Picture Perfect" sets that will be released soon look similar to my "Lovely Affair" hair set, but were made from a different angle and look a bit more formal. Also, there’s "Organza" dress set that somewhat reminds me of "Breakfast at Tiffany’sˇ and all that vintage glamour. Pretty nice!

And in the end, I would like to thank all of you who sign my guestbook and show your appreciation. Your kind words really make all those hours spent working with Milk Shape and Photoshop worth wile. Thank you all!

And that’s it for now. Enjoy!

Latest update...

Boys and girls, it’s time for me to post some brand new info! If you have patiently expected and waited for my new sets, I have to admit you are very...well, patient! I’m trying to make new uploads as often as I can, but it does get a bit hard when you only have a 56K modem to work with and are uploading several 1MB or larger sets. Anyways, I continued the tradition of creating hair sets (go figure), and I’m proud to announce that there is several of them stashed on my hard drive, as well as a couple of clothing sets. I also took a swing at creating a hairstyle for guys! It’s VERY simple, but I do so modestly think it turned out pretty good. And if you had a chance to read Xandhers blog, you could see that she’s going to upload some recolor of hair meshes I made, which makes me very, very proud. Her work has always standed for supreme quality IMO, so I’m quite excited to see her vision of them!
That would be it. And now, if you would excuse me, I’m off to enjoy some "Free Time". Later!

Still breathing!

Yes, I know, I’m probably the last person you expected to hear from, since it’s been so long from my last blog entry. But guess what! Yea, you’re right - I’m baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! A lot has happened in these past few months - My sister god married, I celebrated my 23rd birthday and found out that I’m going to be an uncle! Yea! Then I also realized I’m finished with studying (but I still have 18 exams left till graduation. 18! 18! AAAH!), and my faculty moved to another location which basically means total chaos and mayhem for a couple of months, which also means - no internet connection! The hardest part, definitely, since that was my so to say base where I could take the time to download and upload content. Now I’m forced to cough out serious amounts of money in cyber cafes with slow connection and practically no time to surf in search for some new stuff. And yes, I know, there always is and option of installing ADSL internet connection at home, but here it costs. A lot! Thanks to leading German Telecom and the monopoly it has on the market.
I’m not going to bother you with details. Let’s get back to the magical Sim world. As for the future uploads, I don’t know in which order they’ll appear, but there’s a lot of hairstyles waiting for you, accompanied by clothing sets. You know, I do make skins for the Sims as well. Actually, that was the first thing I started creating. But somehow everyone’s complimenting my hairstyles and requesting more. Weird...Oh well, feel free to comment my clothing sets as well, ok? I won’t mind ;)
Okay. I don’t know when I’ll post another entry (I’m going to surprise both you and me), so till then - Sim away! And stay away from hot tubs during thunder storms!

Look what I found!

Hello there, boys and girls! Finally, I’ve found some time to make preview images of sets I’ve made some time ago but never had the time to upload. There are all sorts of things I’ll be releasing, from hairstyles to clothing sets, makeup and genetics. Hopefully you’ll like them since a lot of time has been spent on creating them. A LOT of time, trust me...
Unfortunately, I will not have that much time making new sets for now, since exams have started, and I’m done with my senior year. I still have a looooooong way to go till graduation. The college system here is a bit different, so I’ll be lucky if I graduate till spring next year. Anyhow, I’ll be spending my summer with my parents again, so I’ll be gone till September. But! Fear not, I’ll submit several sets so you will not even notice I’m gone. Till then - have a great summer!

Season’s Greetings!

Howdy mates!
Hope you’re all having fun with the latest EP "Seasons", b/c I sure am! I figured since there was no snow what so ever this winter here in Croatia, at least my Sims could have some fun building snowmen and having snow ball fights. I sure didn’t. Things like that really make me sad... But you guys should have a reason to be happy! I’m releasing a new hair mesh called "Daydream" that I really like (which is weird, since it took me so much time to make it, I should probably hate it for all the problems it has caused me). Again, a short one (also weird since I usually prefer long hair), but it wasn’t hard to name it (and in my case that’s super weird) - I heard the song named Daydream performed by Air (you may have heard their songs like "All I need", and "High school Lover", theme song form the movie "Virgin suicides"). Oh boy. If you ever get a chance to buy one of their albums, go for it. They’re great! And I’m not saying that b/c they’re from Europe ;).
K, that would be it. Next to come - clothing sets. Going back to the roots, as they say. Stay tuned!

Of elves, recolors and requests...

It’s February, and in my world it means only one thing - exams, exams and more exams...Ok, that’s three things, but you get the point. Still, between all those books I have to read and numerous definitions to learn and remember, I found some time to pitch in for this months FA theme - fantasy!
The "Avalons Daughter" hair set is definitely not one of my finest works (I just remodeled my "Simple Delight" hair set, tweaked it a bit and made it longer), but it looks OK in the game so I decided to publish it anyways. Maybe someone will actually like it... The model in the preview is using Louis` fantastic elf ear accessory, which you can download from Sim Scribbling. Great work, I tell you!
As for all those PM`s asking me if I could make this or that, or if I allow recoloring of my textures, I believe it’s time for me to give an answer to these questions. Every FA has his or her own policy, so I figured I should explain my POW on that.
Recoloring - Sorry, guys and girls, but I’m not that positive when it comes to it. It’s quite easy to take someone’s texture that took hours to be made and just change it’s color and lightness, publish it and get all the glory. Not very artistic, wouldn’t you say? If you really want to recolor my creations, feel free to do so, but don’t publish them. This, however, doesn’t mean that you can’t use my meshes to make your own textures for them. On the contrary! Each mesh maker loves to see how his or her mesh inspired someone to make a creation that looks different from the original work. I’m actually kind of sad b/c I didn’t notice anyone making new textures for my meshes. But I hope that will change soon...**hint hint**
Requests - I sure would love to have the time to make requests, but I’m afraid I don’t. With real life, college and all I barely have the time to make creations of my own, so at this point requests are just wishful thinking... I hope that some day this will change, and if it does, I’ll be sure to let you know.

There it is. Now, if you would excuse me, I have some boring Q&A paper to read...Man, I’m having so much fun in my life. Somebody stop me...

I`m back!

Hello everyone!

I know, I know, it took me a bit longer than 2 or 3 weeks, but I’m finally back! I hope you all had great holydays (witch reminds me - a big thanks goes to all people who signed my guestbook expressing their best wishes. Right back at you! ), and now it’s time to get back to simming! This week - something special that’s not that special at all. "Sunday Morning" is the name of my newest hair set that will be released (you guessed it!) on Sunday morning this week. It’s nothing fancy, just simple casual hairstyle with simple animation. But then again, as I already mentioned, isn’t simplicity the best solution?
That’s it from me now. More to come - hair sets, some fancy formals with something extra and more. You’ll be the first ones to know!

Marko, over and out.

Latest Headlines

All over the place! Here we go again... It’s that time again... So, guess what... Latest update... Still breathing! Look what I found! Season’s Greetings! Of elves, recolors and requests... I`m back!
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