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Created for: The Sims 3
Type of this mask is something between "Pulcinella" and "Columbina".
Pulcinella is a classical character that originated in the Commedia dell'Arte of the 17th century, a hunchback who still chases women. His main characteristic, from which he acquired his name, is his extremely long nose, which resembles a beak. In Latin, this was a pullus gallinaceus, which led to the word "Pulliciniello" and "Pulcinella", related to the Italian pulcino or chick.
The Columbina is a half mask often highly decorated with gold, silver, crystals and feathers. It is held up to the face by a baton or tied with ribbon as with most other Venetian masks. The columbine was popularised by an early actress in the Commedia dell'arte of the same name. It is said it was designed for her because she did not wish to have her beautiful face covered completely.
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ItemID: 1044951
Filesize: 461 KB
2 styles
4 recolorable channels
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