New Releases!
I'm now back and fully refreshed after my America jaunt, and have spent the last couple of weeks building Lots for your downloading pleasure! :)
First out this month are a couple of beach houses for the Tropical Paradise FA Theme Week. Naviti and Wakaya are named after Tiki islands and look great in a coastal neighbourhood. I'd intended to go for a more traditional Tiki style, but once again my urge to go contemporary overcame me, so both are 'modern-Tiki', a lá Missy style.
Next out is what will hopefully be the first in a small series of SIMquaria, based on Windkeeper's absolutely fantastic Tropical Aquarium set. Aquarius is essentially a large fishtank, filled with everything that your Sims need for a fun, underwater life.
Finally, I've just uploaded the first in my new Ash Grove series, featuring attractive family houses - just great fun for the regular Sim player.
2 Ash Grove
As usual, all screenshots can be found on the left of this page - just click them for previews, and keep an eye out for them in the releases calendar over the next couple of weeks!