MissyZ (909658)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (245 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Hydra: SIMquarium III
Published Aug 13, 2006
About Me
Hey, I'm MissyZ and I'm a Sims 2 addict! Well I suppose that strictly speaking I'm not addicted to playing the game (after a few weeks of non-stop playing, the novelty kinda wore off...). I AM however, addicted to creating masterpieces of architecture for everyone elses Sims to enjoy, and I hope that you do find my creations interesting and fun to play!On TSR I am a member of the TSR Artists Alliance (TSRAA) - this means that any of my walls or floors are free to include in any Lot you produce for upload to TSR (only). Please check the Build-a-Lot forum for more details!
Outside TSR, I'm a postgraduate student and I work with the UK's Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group. When I'm not busy building Lots, I love being outside in the country and have a particular interest in British wildlife. I'm also an avid reader and an active Bookcrosser (www.bookcrossing.com)!
My Latest Updates Show All
New Releases!Written Jul 11, 2006
I'm now back and fully refreshed after my America jaunt, and have spent the last couple of weeks building Lots for your downloading pleasure! :) First out this month are a couple of beach houses for the Tropical Paradise FA Theme Week. Naviti and Wakaya are named after Tiki islands and look great in a coastal neighbourhood. I'd intended to go for a more traditional Tiki style, but once... ...More
MissyZ On Tour!Written May 15, 2006
I hope you've not all forgotten about me while I'm travelling! ;-) I've left you with 4 new releases for while I'm away, but my travelling's giving me loads of inspiration for when I get back! ...More
Reinventing Trailer HomesWritten Apr 18, 2006
Ooh lookie at my chock-a-block Release Calendar! I don't think I've ever seen it so full! Admittedly, it's largely due to my going away for 2 months so I'm trying to pack my calendar full of releases for you before I go, so I hope you appreciate my effort! ;-) First out this moth will be the final 3 houses in my 'Colors' series. I'm not ashamed to admit that the inspiration for these... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
jes sale Jul 13, 2015
wow great houses!
flowrNov 27, 2012
I seriously LOVE your houses.Thank you!
PralinesimsApr 24, 2011
Happy Easter!