MsBarrows (579261)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (63 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Medieval Industrial
Published Jan 30, 2011
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (3779 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Retro Appliances Set
Published Dec 20, 2010
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
The thing I've always loved most about creating content for games - both professionally and as a hobby - is the ability to create an imaginary world and then see it as if it really existed. I mainly create things that are of interest to me for my own use, such as things to match already-existing things, or special props I need for my forum stories here at TSR.
I'm pretty rabidly in favour of the "repository technique" - also known as linked or master/slave files - where you make a new mesh that reuses the textures of an existing mesh. In large part that is due to my download addiction, since it greatly reduces the number of files needed for matching recolours; given a choice between 10 meshes with 3 recolours each for a total of 30 files, or 10 meshes with 3 recolours they share for a total of 13 files... I know which I'd rather have my computer be dealing with!
My Latest Updates Show All
5 Million DownloadsWritten Jan 04, 2011
Some time in the last 24 hours, my downloads counter rolled over the 5,000,000 mark - a pretty significant milestone. Thank you to everyone who likes downloading and using my creations :) ...More
File Fix - Old World Windows & Doors - Part 2Written Dec 05, 2010
Found out today that the "OW Part 2 - Window Smaller - S" from my Old World Windows & Doors - Part 2 had the wrong file attached - oops! I've uploaded the correct file and it should be available for download shortly. I'm also making the set free for a month so people who previously downloaded it, but no longer have a subscription, can get the fix. ...More
Old World Completer Set - Part 1Written Apr 10, 2010
Part 1 (of at least three) of my Old World Completer Set is completed, uploaded, and will be available for download as of tomorrow. This project keeps growing by leaps and bounds - it started out relatively small, but with all the variations I've thought of so far, has become pretty darn huge. To the point that I've abandoned my original plan of releasing it all at once, and am releasing it... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
noxdeyahJan 07, 2018
kirinhaleDec 14, 2015
Your Heavywood set is my best friend. It saves the everyday when I'm looking for matching counters and what-not. You're a hero ^^ Thank you so much!
jes sale Sep 06, 2015
thanks so much for sharing your talent from 1 Canadian to another great job!