Nillonde2 (1168892)
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Little Singlestarter
Published Dec 7, 2009
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About Me
I'm a 28y old mom to a son, loving Sims since many many years. I'm a builder.
I love to build houses previously in The Sims 2, Sims 3 and now in Sims 4.
Since my son was born in 2011, i focused other things and Sims 3 fell into oblivion. But not forever!
With Sims 4 i want to start over. So many ideas are waiting for realization!
My Latest Updates Show All
a sign of lifeWritten Nov 07, 2011
Yeah, i am still alive. Sooooo much to do but sooooooo little time :( Our Babyboy is now nearly 8 Months old, he crawls, puts everything in his mouth and will climb at every table or chair or whatever he finds. I would love to play sims, build lots and stuff... but i have no time for it :( ...More
I am pregnant!!!Written Aug 03, 2010
Hi @ all who love my houses and wait for more. I know i am verry quiet and do no new Lots :( So sorry for this, for all who wait for something new. My life is going crazy the last few weeks! But the reason for this are really beautiful and wonderful! I'm pregnant! I am now in the 11th Week (today 10+2). It's my first pregnancy and so everything is new and exciting and... ...More
OMG! It's runs!!!Written May 04, 2010
*mihihi* I would like to jump around in my livingroom and shout of joy and happiness (but i didn't, my neighbor s would think that i would be crazy now!) My Game is now running! A few months ago , my game was crashing with Patch 2.3. and i had wasted many time for searching what caused the errors and now i found it and my game runs! Yeah, yeah, yeah, IT RUNS NOW! (okay, i AM... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
ziggy28Aug 07, 2010
Hiya!! I just read your blog Congrats to you and your husband TC Lorraine
MangioAug 04, 2010
That's a long way a way... Congratulations I wonder what your having, its always an exciting time
spitzmagicAug 03, 2010
I just read your blog...congratulations to you....