PureElements (1843886)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (933 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Pierina Outdoor Bath
Published Feb 1, 2011
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About Me
Welcome to my mini-site!
I am a member of the TSRAA, and hope you enjoy my objects and clothes for game play as well as building/recoloring!
If you need anything, or just want to chat, my PM box is always open.
My Latest Updates Show All
Guess who's back?!?!Written Nov 25, 2009
Hey all! Wow, I've been gone a looongggg time. Things sure have changed around here, but the place looks great! I missed you all! <3 I've been crazy busy in rl. So much has changed, and for the better. Now I have some time to get out some much needed, and missed, creativity! I've working on a few things, and I'm excited to get them out! I'm taking my time... ...More
Back To School , but still working hard!Written Jan 12, 2009
Well, as you know I am working on my RPN Diploma, and it is quite a busy time. I have also become obsessed with a game called Second Life, although for those of you who enjoy it as much as I, you know its alot ore than a game! I hope to meet up with any fellow SL players from TSR! Anyways, I have an upcoming set called the Roamnesque bathroom. I tried to style it in the oldish way but also... ...More
Sorry To AllWritten Oct 05, 2008
Sorry I haven't been around lately, there has been so much happening, I haven't had a chance to get working on any thing! Seriously, I am experiences Sims creation withdrawls. Within a week i will be able to get back at it for a while. I'm heading back to school soon (nursing, yay!) so I want to get in as much as possible before the next term. If there is anything you would like for your... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
jes sale Aug 26, 2015
Alice-wonderOct 19, 2013
Your works are very amazing. I love them all and you are very talented. Thank you for sharing these wonderful objects
enchanting58Dec 20, 2011
Hi, I wish them all by
heart of a wonderful Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2012 with much health
and happiness.