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Shakeshaft's Guestbook

greyjaybugOct 25, 2018

thank you soooo much ... i play with your creations in all my games \:\)

Sunny SkiesSep 21, 2016

I still download your creative wonderstuff for sims 2. Thank you for adding joy to this game! (Hate sims 3 and 4)

annie depressantOct 12, 2015

what is your TOU on conversions? thanks

jes sale Sep 4, 2015

wow great stuff! \:\)

the graysMay 31, 2014

Found several items that do not extract files. This is annoying when you download something because there are no specific requirements listed so you think it'll work and then doesn't. Please make sure to list any requirements or test your creations before uploading them for others because not all of them are correct.

oldmember_RockinRFeb 26, 2014

\:rah\:I so \:wub\:adore your creations!! I think I've had most of your Sims 2 AND a lot of Sims 3 in my game. Your talent is totally awesome and I appreciate the fact that you share them. Your love of Sims shows in your creations. Thank you for making the game much more enjoyable!! Hugsss, Robin RockinR' \:cool\:

srgmls23Dec 24, 2013

May magic fill your days and all your dreams come true \:\) Wishing you and those around you a very merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!! Hugs \:\) Sérgio

timi72Dec 23, 2013

\:\) I wish you a Merry and peaceful Christmas and all the best in the New Year! \:wub\: \:\) \:wub\: And thank you so much for your wonderful creations!!! \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

sambot217Nov 16, 2013

Hey! I really like the sims 2 Victorian shop facades that you made. Would you consider doing a similar build set for Sims 3? Thanks for all of your creations. You've done amazing work! Cheers! Sam

eliseluongSep 18, 2013

Thank you so much for all your artwork, you are one of my favorite creators.

shrimpluvSep 9, 2013

\:\)I want to say how very much I LOVE using your beautiful work--it always works and has no problems! Thanks so much

ChililiAug 11, 2013

I wonder if shakeshaft is doing any work for this sight anymore. I can't seem to get answers either.

ChililiAug 11, 2013

Dear Shakeshaft, I would like to know if it is okay to use your stuff on another sight? It is called simsfanuk. I hope it is okay, please email me at with your answer.\:\)

LunaelaMay 16, 2013

Hello! I love the quality and simple design of your Biscay Shelving meshes. I would totally make them my instant go-to for storage in every single lot I decorate...if only for a small request. I am finding that in comparison to the furniture around them they are too deep and wide to look proportionate. In every single arrangement I have tried they tend to stick out past my sofas/end tables/bookshelves etc. and they dominate the room in a way that does not look very good. So! I was wondering if you could make another version of the set and rescale them a bit? Take the depth in towards the wall more than half so they sit more closely against it...this might mean making them one item slot deep instead of two? There really are no other cabinets of this style and quality anywhere on TSR so I am only asking because they are so close to being perfect! Let me know if this will be possible to do. It would be VERY much appreciated! \:D

GenasaiMar 5, 2013

Big thanks for your creations, I especially like your tops!

littlebillFeb 14, 2013

I asked you SEVERAL times when you were going to do the following requests and still did not get any answers (What gives?): 1) Make some gates that match the fences in your "Titan Fencing" set and add a collection file to the same set! 2) Make a collection file for your "Victoriana" build set!

srgmls23Dec 24, 2012

Christmas, a time of peace, light, of joy and fond memories. Time when we remember our childhood full of fantasies, expectations imbued with love and longing. Time in which we relive the love of our parents, the warmth of family and all your loved ones that marked our lives positively. Merry Christmas to you and your family \;\) And the New Year, 2013 bring you all the best ....\;\) Sérgio

sunny99Dec 24, 2012

I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2013! Greetings sunny \:wub\:

flowrDec 8, 2012

How I wish I was in your shoes!I hate going out,and sitting at home doing nothing but playing The Sims is my thing. How lucky are you!Anyway,I love all your creations,they are absolutely wonderful.Thank you \:\)

xirawkxDec 2, 2012

Im trying to use your Aveline Kitchen counter but whenever I make a corner its turning back to the item you modded it from. Is it possible for you to fix this or explain to me how to fix it?

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