Simphomaniac (3715908)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (49 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Published Sep 9, 2013
About Me
Hi Welcome to the world of a SIMphomaniac. You can call me Simpho. When it comes to the Sims, I believe this.... TO BUILD IS TO BREATHE. And I LOVE building. So please take a look around. And if you see something you like, take it! It's free!! And if you have time, bookmark me before you leave Enjoy your stay and please come back. Because if I stop building, you know the rest
My Latest Updates Show All
I'm baaaack!!Written May 30, 2014
Just couldn't stay away. Hope to have something up soon. Stay tuned! ...More
Been away for a whileWritten Jan 03, 2013
Hello everyone:) Happy New Year! I've been gone for a while, working. Just getting back into building again. I will not be using CC because of the Supernatural and Seasons. They with CC has made my game virtually unplayable. Until we get patches, I will build without CC. I wish everyone a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2013! And Happy Simming!! ...More
I've been busy!Written May 23, 2012
Hey everyone:) I have been busy with real life lately. I hate that I haven't had time to create in a while. But I will be returning soon with new creations. So, please hold on and stay tuned. I'll be back (in my best Terminator voice):D ...More
My Guestbook Show All
ibbyhareJul 18, 2016
WOW your work is amazing!
alolengJun 30, 2015
Thank you so much for your comment! I love it! You are a great creator yourself! Keep it up dear!
GuardgianMay 15, 2014
Thank you tons for your nice feedback on Cornhill Manor my friend, I am thrilled that you like it ! Have a nice day