StarSims (4841335)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (150 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Athletic set
Published Dec 13, 2015
About Me
Hello I'm StarSims
A beginner creator, I try to do my best in every creation. If you have any suggestions for me feel free to leave it in my guestbook.
Appreciate all your comments
Hope you like my creations
-Do not modify,reuploa,claiming you made or use adfly whit my cc.
-TS4 conversions are ok, credit no needed.
My Latest Updates Show All
50,000 downloadsWritten Apr 11, 2013
Hello, I am very happy to have so many downloads. I remember when I made my first creation figured it was not going to like anyone. I want to thank everyone who downloaded and commented my creations and especially Matomibotaki Pralinesims and for being so kind to me, and the staff of TSR for being so patient with me. ;) ...More
My Guestbook Show All
josephvelisMay 14, 2016
your creations are unique
DOTDec 25, 2015
~.-*-.~ Happy Holidays StarSims ~.-*-.~
deasha23Sep 26, 2015
love your creation you should do maternity clothes your creation are to die for