Tiko's Blog
Computer - RIP
After 5 1/2 long years of companionship, my PC has reached its end.Neither IE or Firefox will connect to the web, and the thing can crash even with nothing running. Tec friends have looked at it - has to be replaced.
So I've just ordered a new one. (I'm using Ruth's laptop at the moment!!!) Until it comes I won't be able to do much new stuff - but in theory it should arrive by Friday. ;)
New tutorials - basic info
Although I haven't had a lot of time in the last few months, I'm determined to work on more tutorials. And I've been getting a number of Help-Me questions about simple but important issues, which has made me want to work on them.The first tute like this comes out tomorrow. It's called Creating Invisible Stairs, and will show a much simpler and more useful way to create Invisivle or Stealth Stairs.
I'll also do a tute on varying roof slopes, and one on basic gardening, and if I can I'll try one on "Decisions to make before building!" !!!!!
If anyone reading this has any more ideas on basic issues that seem to need short tutes, please say here or PM me. ;)
Great, great holiday - just back!
Well we had such a marvellous time on holiday that we were able to take a few extra days, and got back on Monday, so I'm only back to TSR today.I've picked up on the Windmill theme and have just uploaded a Starter Home Windmill. It's called Windy Mill - some of you may remember Trumpton's Windy Miller ----- but his windmill was a bit less bashed-up than mine!!! :lol:
New tutorial, etc
I've posted up a new tutorial, called Creating Stair Rails with Fencing. It's Part 1 of a 2-parter, explaining how to add any fencing - default or custom - to any Connecting Stairs.I made my Padstowe Manor and Hall for the tutorial's pics, then thought the house was interesting enough to publish separately! ;)
I've also been asked if I could publish my Thatch Roof tiles and ends (I usually leave items likes this just in the buildings they were made for), so there's a small set of them coming out this week too, and the Windmill set next weekend.
I intend for more windmills to be added once I get back. :)
Away on a short holiday
Today (Sunday April 29) Ruth and are taking Lord Tiko, our Birman cat, on another short holiday to a country cottage in the Lake District. This is a recent discovery in our lives - that he loves going away with us, and has met lots of cows and sheep!!!I should be back at TSR by Friday (May 4).
Exploring Windmills!
I got very excited about Andrea's (Shakeshaft's) windmaill sails, and have asked her if I can devlop them in some buildings. The inspiration - to be honest, and it's sad news! - was the mill in van Helsing and the original Frankenstein. The first set I've worked on is a 3-parter with both a CFE and default-game version of gambrel roofs, and an unfurnished version of the CFE one. Her's a preview piccie:
New builds
I've had some lovely feedback about the 'Forest Glade' Seasons version of my treehouse ----- and it is a great house to play, if I say so myself!!!!! :lol: Thank you. :wub: I've also written most of a tutorial on how to add any fencing you want to stairs ..... and made a stately home to illustrate it, and then thought I'd add the home! This is Padstowe Manor & Hall, and I've delayed the publish date a little to get some screenshots in, too. Here's the set pic:
Sorry guys - not great ..... yet!!!
Well, the bug kicked in again, and I've had a grim time. :( Anyway, I'm bright enough to start posting again - and thank you guys for your lovely cuddles! :wub: ----- Andy
Ill again - sorry :(
I'm so sorry - I've had another bout of illness and have been away from TSR for over a week.I'm fine now and will get back to correspondence, replies etc!
Which houses are weatherproof in Seasons?
Most people now realise that buildings with CFE-shaped roofs aren't weatherproof in Seasons. Snow and rain will lie OK on flat floor/roof tiles, but not sloping ones.
Many of my recent buildings with CFE roofs are weatherproof, and the ones that weren't I've now made so. The one exception is Tiger's Nest - which is such a pity!!!
The explanation is that as you can see from my tutorials, for my Japanese roofs I include an attic space, and when this has - or is given - a floor, the snow and heavy rain settle lightly on the attic floor, leaving Sims snug and content in the building below.
But Tiger's Nest is so complex and has so many levels that I had to give 2 large rooms a single sloping roof, without any attic space. I'll see what I can do with it later on! :)
My earlier buildings can also mostly be weatherproofed, and I'll be doing this over the next week. The starships and some parts of the Biospheres can't be weatherproofed, I'm afraid. :( Oh well. ;)