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Tiko's Guestbook

peggyrossAug 19, 2015

Oh no I forgot you had retired, I thought you were back when I saw the new house (what to me was a new house!!!!) Now I'm crying my eyes out since you are not back. But I send you lots of love and kisses. Peggy \:D

peggyrossApr 26, 2014

Hi Andy!! How are you doing? Its been a long time for either of us to be here at TSR. So I'm hoping to hear from you soon. Love ya, Peggy\:\)\:\)\:\)

angel_celeseteNov 15, 2012

I like the houses u make

PralinesimsApr 24, 2011

\:rah\: Happy Easter! \:rah\:

mannequinofmiseryMar 12, 2010

I have to say, I LOVE your houses and your wonderful tutorials. I would get NOWHERE in the sims without them :-) I am kind of sad that ll your lots are subscriber only though :-( I hope you feel better soon. Just sending some love and healing your way.   ~~Misery~~

StrawbzApr 20, 2009

Hope you are doing better Andy \:\) we all still miss ya!

NeonAngelApr 9, 2009

i love ur Creating Stair Rails with Fencing tutorial ! thanks so much! i always wanted to use different rails!

ImSuanneMar 30, 2009

Thank you very much for all your wonderful contributions to the Sims Community!!

guitarmanMar 20, 2009

Hello: I just discovered your site and red about your health, sorry I hope you recover soon. I saw your tutorial about building L shaped stairs. It was very interesting and helpfull and opened up new questions in my head. I saw also you have quite a collection of special houses . Very interesting. I want to thank you again and wish you a quick recovery. Bravo indeed!!!!!!!!!and God bless you.

kingrupert6Mar 9, 2009

still love the tutorials on all the building tricks! (still need to use them from time to time! \:o ) wish you were still here showing us some newer ones though! \:D

Cerulean TalonFeb 24, 2009

Still lovin' ya and miss you bunches. Hope you're enjoying retirement!! Smiles & hugs, Yolanda

SheeraDec 23, 2008

May this Christmas be bright and cheerful and may the New Year begin on a prosperous note! Zuzu. \:wub\: \:wub\:

AlyoshaDec 22, 2008

Andy! I don't even know if you will read this.. but no matter, just wanted to greet you a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year! We all miss you here, and I hope you have fully FULLY recovered that you may enjoy this new year with full health! God Bless! \:rah\: \:\)

francienDec 21, 2008

Dear Andy, I have no idea you will read this, I hope you drop in now and than, miss you around but I hope so you are doing well and that your health is great by now..wishing you a warm christmas with your family, I hope the new year brings lots of love~fun~joy and peace for the all of you! I'm glad I have meet you and learn to know you a little.\:wub\:

QuengelDec 16, 2008

~*~ I wish you & yours a MERRY Chistmas & a happy, HEALTHY New Year! \:\) \:wub\: ~*~

Jaws3Nov 19, 2008

Hi!\:D If you have some spare time, there's a picture on my profile of a beach house I made using one of your tutorials...=D ALL your tutorials are good! \:\) I uploaded a lot using your custom railing technique for the stairs, and its quite popular (though not nearly as popular as your creations). \:P Thank you HEAPS for all your work, and for taking the time to teach ameture builders, like myself, some of the best techniques!\;\)

scardy44Sep 17, 2008

hey tiko thank you for your guild on over the pool bridges!!! i just have one tiny problem that i need help solving..sorry...when you have to use the ctrl key to get the pool under the bridge and wait a few secounds to put the pool there..it doesnt seem to work for me, if you can help id be very greatful but if you cant then i understand...

charrayAug 31, 2008

You are a very talented artist. Hope you are doing well. Thanks for sharing. \:\) \:\) \:\)

simsfawn200Aug 20, 2008

\:o I was so sorry to find out about your illness\:\( I am glad to hear that you are doing better though. I have just gotten through cancer from which I almost died and I know how it can change your whole outlook about family ties and life decisions and I have done that myself. Family is very important and I am glad you are thaking the time to spend with them....my prayers and best wishes are with you...\:wub\:

Cora99Aug 8, 2008

Like all your friends and fans, I am very happy and relieved that you have recovered. Hopefully all bad things are behind you now! May you enjoy every single moment of every day in peace, health and happiness! We will greatly miss you!

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