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New Basement Garage tutorial

Some of you have noticed I've been postponing and postponing my original Basement Garage tutorial!!! In the end I thought it was best, and most respectful to the fine work of Cerulean Talon and Mistress666, to add a NEW Basement Garage tutorial, one which takes the ideas in a new direction. (The 'Current Project' box on my mini-site homepage is just out-of-date and taking too long to change!!!) So this provides a different method for the basic techniques, and then develops the method for a 2-level garage, which I hope will be useful. A few of you have tried it out already, for which my many, many thanks again. Here's the preview pic:

Sorry about being slow to reply

I'm so grateful to have received so many encouraging comments on my tutorials - thank you, thank you! :wub:

It is taking me a little while to get round to replying to all of them - but I will do!! Hope you're OK to be patient. ;)

A problem with Pets?

A couple of kind friends have pointed out to me that it seems the PETS expansion won't allow Replacing Pool Walls (yet?) I say 'yet' because maybe a patch will fix this?

Meantime I've added a note to the description, and will do some checking later on. I'm really sorry if anyone has got frustrated.

I can ask Maaike to edit the tutorial if necessary, but I'll try PETS first to see if I can work something out. It's my fault, I only tested up to OFB. :Oo:

2nd tute - Building Pool Waterslides

And I've finally gotten round to showing how to make pool waterslides, for any version of the game. In Nightlife, Maxis made pools much easier, so the first half of my tute is the 'easy' version. For those of you who have the original game and maybe also University, and have had trouble with the famous 'blue mist' I've explained in the second half of the tute how to deal with the monster!!!!! ;) Here's the preview pic, and you may like checking out my earlier building lots Aqua Libra and Marbella (check my archive early on, for early 2005 buildings) and the much more recent Rapa Manu and Ariki Koro to see how waterslides can add so much to a building! :)

First new tute - Replacing Pool Walls

I thought the best way to publish these was to provide a simple Replacing Pool Walls tutorial first. I learned this method from MikeInside, as I've emphasised in the tute, but at the same time there's a lot more to say, which I've tried to do (as usual)!!!!! So I hope you find it useful, and I wanted to have the idea available at TSR! Here's the preview pic:

More tutorials - Waterslides

I've been working out how to build waterslides in all the different versions of the game! Oh what fun!!!!!!!!

Well, it has been, really. But it is much more complicated than I'd realised! :lol: So the next couple of tutorials will be on waterslides and pools. I'll post some pics very soon. ;)

Finally - another home!!!

All these tutorials have taken their toll on my new building work!!! ;) But I've finally managed to get round to a quite imaginative home - for a terra-forming family on a moon of Jupiter (the likeliest places we'll find traces of alien life in our solar system). It's called Hubble Tower, after the astronomer Hubble and the eponymous (eek!! big word!!! :lol: ) space station, and is a sci-fi tower on 7 levels. It features domes, but different ones - low and streamlined. I've had to make it over several times (3 days of testing) to ensure high environment ratings in the rooms that overhang 'nothingness'!!! To be honest, I think the inspiration came from recently seeing the Bronx World Fair site in Scorcese's The Departed (the 'flying saucers' also seen in MIB) - it burned an image in my little brain. But it also looks like a big Pet!!! ;) Here's a preview pic:

New tutorials now showing

Happily as you can see my new tutorials will be appearing in the LH sidebar of my mini-site's frontpage.

They're still not showing in Upcoming Items, but I'll keep asking the tech team in Sweden ..... one day all will be well!!! :lol:

And Yolanda (Cerulean Talon) and a number of others have been very kind and keen to see my Basement Garage tutorial up alongside hers, so I've decided to publish it - with a short explanation - after a 'decent interval'! :D

Swimming Pool Bridges

After a long and complicated (but valuable) conversation with a downloader, I've discovered that the method I gave in my Pool Bridges tutorial for placing a pool under Column Deck foundation only works in the original Sims2 game! So I've just revised the tutorial on this, which should now explain methods both for the original game and for all EPs. ;) Here's the title pic:

Basement Garage tutorial - NOT!

I was all set to publish a neat little tutorial on Basement Garages later this week, and came onsite at the weekend only to see that the lovely Cerulean Talon had just had a similar one published!!! Ah well. ;) I think it's probably unnecessary to have 2 tutorials on a similar item, so I'll busy myself on other topics. Sorry, guys! Anyway, here's what the Preview pic would have looked like:

Latest Headlines

New Basement Garage tutorial Sorry about being slow to reply A problem with Pets? 2nd tute - Building Pool... First new tute - Replacing Pool... More tutorials - Waterslides Finally - another home!!! New tutorials now showing Swimming Pool Bridges Basement Garage tutorial - NOT!
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