waverly (351026)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (28 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Early Morning Life
Published Jul 25, 2009
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (2095 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Waverly/Pablo Living SuperSet
Published Sep 3, 2007
My Latest Sims 1 Creations (3 in total) Show all my Sims 1 Creations
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About Me
Meshing for Sims 3 is hard! But I'm starting to give it another go. I hope to have a few new sets ready soon!
My Latest Updates Show All
Select ArtistWritten Sep 20, 2008
Because of the fact that I haven't been able to update since last May, I've decided to step down from Featured Artist to Select Artist. I'm far from retiring, as I have several projects still in the works. It's just really hard to find time for me to do them all right now. However, I've decided to take this opportunity to update pretty much all of my previous creations by adding shadows,... ...More
UpdateWritten Feb 21, 2008
Lots of things have changed since my last set was published. Not only did I finally upgrade my computer (motherboard, processor, RAM, and graphics card) so that it will finally stop crashing every five minutes when I'm not just surfing the net, but I also got a job two weeks ago. It's not the most glamerous job, and certainly not the kind of job I was looking for, but it will help us... ...More
Changing Things Up a BitWritten Oct 22, 2007
This Tuesday (10/23), I have a job interview. If all goes well, I'll be working withing a couple of weeks. This means that I'll have less time for Simming, but that doesn't mean I want to retire my FA status just yet. So, instead of releasing two mesh sets a month (which is always my intention, even if things don't always go that way), I'll be releasing only one a month. However, to keep from... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
nikkymarieDec 27, 2010
How did you get your ceiling to look like that in your trend kitchen photo?BTW, all of your creations are fantastic!
haiduongMay 13, 2010
Are you an SA or FA, bacause you can change the background and everything but I don't see your badge( that says FA for the sims 2, for example..). If you aren't, can you show me how to do that?
dgandyDec 29, 2009
Hi Waverly! Thank you for your nice comment on my Tuscany Veranda set.