Wolfsim68 (988860)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (31 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Renovation - Weekender
Published Aug 24, 2018
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About Me
My name is Sharon & I live in Adelaide in South Australia
I have a passion for building houses and community lots with No Custom Content - so what you see in the photos, is what you get in the game. There's no need to go and download anything extra or worry about hacks messing up your gameplay.
I've previously built houses, community lots & neighbourhoods for the Sims 2 - plus houses for the Sims 3. I've just started creating new houses for The Sims 3 & later on I plan to make lots for the Sims 4 a well.
I started creating in 2007 & became a Select Artist before being invited to be a Featured Artist in October of 2007. I was lucky enough to be invited to attend the SIMposium held in October 2009 for The Sims 2 World Adventures Expansion Pack & had a fantastic time in San Francisco (see my gallery for photos). Life got busy so I stopped creating in 2010, but I'm back building again & I can't wait for you to see what's on it's way...
My Latest Updates Show All
Hey there, been a long time!Written Jun 14, 2018
Decided it was time to get back to creating, so stay tuned as there will be new lots with no custom content! ...More
400,000 DownloadsWritten Aug 07, 2010
I just want to say thank you to everyone who has downloaded my Lots & Neighbourhoods. It's a huge honour to have reached this milestone & it's you - the fans - that have kept me at the computer creating! Love & Hugs to all, Shaz ...More
SIMposium - Sims available to downloadWritten Apr 20, 2010
As some of you know, I was lucky enough to attend the SIMposium in October 2009. In order to test the World Adventures Expansion Pack, I had to create a couple of sims to do the exploring for me. These sims appeared in my screenshots for Egypt & China & are now available to download at thesims3.com. They are: <img... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
DOTDec 22, 2014
Happy Holidays to you Wolfsim!
miros1Oct 14, 2013
She has retired, but you can take the .SC4 files from any downloaded terrain and load them up in SimCity 4.
YarerakaiMay 14, 2013
Hi, I really love your terrain Stoneyville but I prefer terrain with mountains so could you put online your files on simscity4 ? It would be so nice. Xoxo.