agaliha5 (729973)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1761 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Beach Bungalow Walls Set 2
Published Jul 20, 2009
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About Me
I am a 22 year old college student majoring in art education. I have been playing The Sims since the original came out. I have all the expansions and i am a bit obsessed. I started creating clothing when The Sims 2 came out and then learned to recolor objects after that. Recently I began creating stories and I am really enjoying it. Out of all the things to create, I love designing bedding the most. Probably because of my love of fabric. I sew a lot and have a studio in my home, so that inspires my sim creations. I am now a select artist and i feel honored!
My Latest Updates Show All
Custom Conent ListWritten Mar 24, 2007
I have put together a list of my sims 2 bookmarks. These are the sites I download my things from and that show up in my stories. This is the link: It will be updated frequently. ...More
Thank YouWritten Mar 22, 2007
I was made a select artist today! Thank you to everyone who has downloaded my items and has left nice comments, I really appreciate it. I am working on some new outfits and pjs. They should be updated soon! ...More