aloleng (2541629)
My Latest Sims 4 Creations (12 in total) Show all my Sims 4 Creations
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (718 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Published Jul 10, 2015
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
4 years and counting as an FA of TSR. I'm very much thankful to all the downloaders, the Staff, and the Artist Panel for appreciating my creations. 640 creations and more to come, more than 4 million downloads and tons of "thank you" messages. It's now time for me to say THANK YOU!
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My Latest Updates Show All
I miss my TSR FamilyWritten Feb 19, 2012
I am so sorry for being so inactive, I was too busy with real life and working on making more money online. Since I'm more on the stable side on my 'sideline' I'll be making more houses to you folks so stay tune. ;) ...More
2nd Year AnniversaryWritten Dec 18, 2011
It's my 2nd year as a Featured artist of TSR and I'm proud of it. I'm so sorry if I were inactive this past weeks, I'll be uploading alot of new homes this month so wait for it. AND I'm not just preparing for Houses but NEW furnitures as well. I love being an architect and engineer for your Sims and I also wanted to learn more about furniture Carpentry. Hope you'll support me on this as... ...More
1 Million downloads and countingWritten Jun 07, 2011
I've never imaginged that I'll reach this numbers. At first, when I reach 5000, it was a dream to reach 10,000.. then 100,000 came. Now looking at the numbers.. it seems so fast. 1 Million and still counting. I wanna thank you all for your continued patronage of my work. I'm doing my best to give you a worth downloading item. Hope you'll love my future creations as you loved my past... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
carliecuevassJan 05, 2024
iluvbearsdlsJan 24, 2022
I just got on the site. Just a old grandma who still loves the sims 3 game. I do not know how you make all these new things. Changing colors is about all I can do. Your work is beautiful. I so appreciate people with your talent shares your gifts with the rest of us. Have a fantastic evening. Thank you
soize71000Oct 01, 2021
Thank you very much for all your amazing creations.