c_literati (689452)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1426 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Maxis Match: Floral Tiled Walls
Published Apr 4, 2006
About Me
I've really enjoyed my time as a Featured Artist at TSR, and I'm sure I'll miss it. I'm glad I've made so many wonderful friends here, and I'll remember that fondly.I also met wonderful creation partners through TSR: ~sara_dippity collabed with me on the Sims1 project: http://www.sims2.thesimsresource.com/profiles/view.php?mid=129251
~shtinky00 gave me permission to recolor her beautiful Victorian exteriors: http://www.sims2.thesimsresource.com/profiles/view.php?mid=942686
And we're all members of TSRAA:
which means you can use these creations in lots you upload to TSR.
Happy simming.
My Guestbook Show All
PralinesimsApr 24, 2011
Happy Easter!
somyliSep 29, 2009
Thank-You sooo much for the Maxis-Match Sets, The Sims 2 was so frustrating whenever it came to building & decorating. Now I can build and everything will match. Again, Keep Up the Good Work!!!!
oldmember_janetteravenApr 15, 2009
Love your stuff, too bad you quit simming.