clairepitts1994 (1808874)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (37 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Tomb Raider\'s Lara Croft
Published Apr 2, 2011
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About Me
My name's Claire as you probably could have gathered from the screen name . I'm just your average Aussie 17yo girl, with a hint of weirdness. I've been writing stories in Sims 2 for just over four years now, and still counting. I have an adorable cat called Toby! He's almost 5! They grow up so fast *tear* he is an absolute lunatic of a cat. He thinks he's a dog with...mental problems. He's very paranoid but it's quite amusing to watch. I'm currently studying to get a degree in multimedia which will then hopefully get me to my dream job of becoming a game designer. I'm also planning on studying to get a diploma in music. I am a serious video game addict, my favourite games are Red Dead Redemption, Arkham Asylum, Tomb Raider, Skyrim, Uncharted and of course Sims 2!
Anyway if you have any questions feel free to leave a message in my gb!
I've just added a story writing tutorial into my blog for any of those interested, hopefully you shall find it there.
Adios xox
My Latest Updates Show All
New TSR? And Stories Will Be Published in Two Weeks!Written Apr 12, 2012
Just stopping by to let whoever may read this, that I will definately be publishing the rest of my Tomb Raider stories starting in two weeks :) with the same schedule of posting chapters Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The reason being two weeks is because I have some time off from college, and apart from a buttload of assignments there's not much else to do, most of my friends are on a... ...More
Wednesday UpdateWritten Feb 22, 2012
Just a quick note to say I'm still alive! Everything's been really busy lately with new jobs and old jobs, and quitting of new jobs, and losing of old jobs because the store's closing down. Plus my course started last week and everything's just been a bit hectic. Anyway my explanation aside I have been working on the Tomb Raider stories recently and I'm getting ready to start publishing... ...More
Subject? Dissappointment.... :(Written Jan 09, 2012
Okay I may have been too hasty to give myself 2 days to get everything I need to get done to start publishing chapters. Once I start again I don't want to stop you know so there's a few more things I need to take care of, some objects and poseboxes that I need to make and also some more chapters to write so I'm well ahead of myself and able to keep continually publishing stories. I also want... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
justsayinfineFeb 15, 2013
this is ok
Ray_SimsDec 26, 2012
♥ ♥ ♥ Merry Christmas and Wishing you an abudance of friends, happiness, joy holiday season and very best for the new year ♥ ♥ ♥ ~ much love ~ Ray ~
enchanting58Dec 25, 2012
I wish you and your family a happy and peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year 2013
many hugs and kisses