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clairepitts1994's Blog

New TSR? And Stories Will Be Published in Two Weeks!

Just stopping by to let whoever may read this, that I will definately be publishing the rest of my Tomb Raider stories starting in two weeks :) with the same schedule of posting chapters Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

The reason being two weeks is because I have some time off from college, and apart from a buttload of assignments there's not much else to do, most of my friends are on a different holiday schedule :(


Also if you're interested of upcoming stories from me I'm currently working on 2 more!

So there is the current story i'm in the middle of (Sword of Excalibur) which is based on the Tomb Raider Legend game. I'm also going to continue on and do a sim version of the Tomb Raider Underworld game. And lastly I'm working on a kind of romance/drama if you could call it that, I might paste a snip-it of it into a blog post soon....still trying to figure out a title for it though.....i'm thinking Past Mistakes? I don't know, it's still a work in progress.

Hope you are all enjoying this lovely Thursday!

Adios xox

Wednesday Update

Just a quick note to say I'm still alive!

Everything's been really busy lately with new jobs and old jobs, and quitting of new jobs, and losing of old jobs because the store's closing down. Plus my course started last week and everything's just been a bit hectic.

Anyway my explanation aside I have been working on the Tomb Raider stories recently and I'm getting ready to start publishing them soon. I'm not going to say when because that just usually leads to I'm just going to say I'll be publishing them in the near future, and also to promise that a gap this big between chapters will never happen again!

Anyhow I hope you are all enjoying this lovely.....Wednesday? Yes it's Wednesday.

Adios xox

Subject? Dissappointment.... :(

Okay I may have been too hasty to give myself 2 days to get everything I need to get done to start publishing chapters. Once I start again I don't want to stop you know so there's a few more things I need to take care of, some objects and poseboxes that I need to make and also some more chapters to write so I'm well ahead of myself and able to keep continually publishing stories. I also want to be making like a chapter or two in advance of the day I have to publish it so then if something comes up I can still be publishing stories because I'll have like a reserve there.

I'm REALLY sorry and I've been stressing about it all day I wanted to have the next chapter published for tomorrow, but I really need a good week to get back up to date with everything and post regularly without having to stop and start and stop and start.

So if you give me a week, starting on Monday 16th I should have finished all my preparations and be able to start publishing the next chapters.

I swear you will be able to read these chapters soon!


Adios xox

Future Plans That I WILL Stick to :)'s been over a month and while my internet problem isn't completely solved I can actually access it now, so it shouldn't be a problem to start uploading the next chapters of Tomb Raider! So don't worry I haven't discontinued it! And I promise to never ever ever do that to you guys :).

You know that's always been my kind of rule with these stories, I'll stick them out until the very end! Like with Good vs. Evil, I started to lose interest halfway through and I really wanted to stop, but I already knew how I was going to end it, so I put all my effort into it and made it as good as well I could possibly have made it, and it turned out really well....if that doesn't sound to presumptuous of me to say. Anyway the point was no matter how long it takes I WILL always finish a story that I start........(except for that one that was really bad.....and I deleted its existence....)


So anyway the real point of this was to let you know that I'm officially back and continuing to write sims stories, and to make it easier and have some fluidity in my stories I will be posting chapters every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, which may actually mean that you'll be reading them every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday depending on how long they take to be published. I'm not sure anymore, because it used to take a day to be published but the last few things that I've submitted haven't taken much longer than an hour to be published on the site.


Alright so now I must be off to finish cleaning my room. I still have to write some more chapters because I think I only have up to chapter 7 or something completely written up, then also need to make up a 'previously'  for the next chapter because off the top of my head I have no idea what's been happening in the story, so I don't expect you to remember either! :) 7 weeks is way too long between chapters. I really promise it will never happen again!

Oh so you can expect to be reading chapter 3? I think it's chapter 3....I really should have written this after I checked these things. Anyway the point is you shall be reading the next chapter in the Tomb Raider series, on Monday and then the next chapter after that one Wednesday and the one after that on Friday and so on and so forth until this series has finished! THEN I'll start doing the sims version of Underworld! and then after that I'm working on a more of a drama story that I've already written! But waiting to make until I've finished all the Tomb Raider series.

Anyway if you were wondering what was on my story agenda^.


I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!! and a fabulous New Year!! Cannot believe it's 2012!!

Adios xox

Chapter 3: DAMN YOU INTERNET!!!!!!

Grrr! I absolutely hate doing this! But chapter 3 is going to take a few more days. I wanted to have it out like 2 days ago but unfortunately our internet is COMPLETELY DOWN!!! It's all ready to go I just can't upload it.

Now before you go calling me a liar, because I am obviously using the internet to type this. I am using the internet on my phone as a hotspot but it's the end of the month and i'm addicted to youtube, therefore leaving me with little internet that is extremely slow!! Just think what you think is slow and then multiply it by about a hundred. I've already tried uploading this stupid blog entry 3 times!! Because my internet keeps cutting out, but this time I'll be sure to copy all this text and paste it somewhere else so I don't lose it AGAIN.

Can you tell i'm just a little annoyed?

Anyway so chapter 3 should be out in a few days. I did try to upload chapter 3 but it just kept timing out and I'd lose all the pages. will be out soon I promise!! And there will be no more posts about late chapters!! Unless EXTREMELY unforeseen events take place. I mean honestly the internet sure picked a good day to crap out, it's like how often does that happen?!? Just when you really need to use it, it's gone. I think it's some sort of problem with the actual router or something, need to speak with the internet people.

Alright I hope you're all enjoying your day :)

Adios xox

Chapter 2......?

Okay so I promise this will be the only time I will apologize for a Tomb Raider chapter being late but I'm sorry the Tomb Raider chapter is going to be late....well is currently late because it's been 2 weeks and I really wanted to have a chapter out every few days.

But! I have good reason......well maybe not good....but I've been working on another project. A project that will reward me handsomely if I win. So basically a gaming tv show is running a competition to write a Batman comic and if you win you are rewarded with a life size 6 foot tall 75kg BATMAN! nothing with really......just have him standing there looking AWESOME!!! Yeah so not really sims related but that's what most of my free time has been devoted to. But the competition finishes on Monday, so after I've finished my batman comic I'll finish off Chapter 2 of Tomb Raider!!


Adios xox hope you all enjoy your weekend!

Chapter 1 - Tomb Raider plus....ramble 100th Story!

 Okay so I am currently in the process of uploading the first chapter of the new Tomb Raider story, the screen is loading in the background so I thought I'd write to let you know that. Anyway the internet is being REALLY slow today....don't know what it's problem is! Does anyone else find that it takes forever to upload screenshots? I think it's just me because it is being exceptionally slow. Anyhoo be right back need to upload the next 5 screenshots.

So I don't know if it's because I haven't done much story writing of late, but this chapter has taken me AGES to do. It's easily 10 hours of pure work, which isn't counting the time it took to write beforehand.

Woo! Last screenshot to edit and then I can publish!! Oh second last damn!

Nearing the end of the uploading process! Just have to fix up the front cover image and then I shall PUBLISH!! Mwuhahahaaa! and then I'll go to bed :)

In the final processes of uploading the story....just have to think of what to write on the front page! and my mind is a total blank.....I'll think of something to write after a proof read.

I think this is where perfectionism has its downfall. You know everything looks great but it takes AGES to do. Just finished proof reading and....I've re-worded sooo many things! and still not really happy with some of the screenshot editing.

Yeah I'll take this moment to apologize in advance if you read chapter one and it's not very long. Because it's only 19 screenshots. Which is kind of a slap in the face, I spend all this time on it and it's only 19 screenshots! BUT oh well no....chapter two is probably going to be the same length as well. Ah ha! Chapter 3 is going to be nice and long for you!

Okay just finished writing on the title page and I'm started to get....exhaustion delirious....I don't know I'm really tired....been working all night it is REALLY 8:46AM and I'm glad I have absolutely nothing on today so I can get a couple of hours sleep.

AHAHAAAAHAHAA!! I just hitted the submit button! So the first chapter has been submitted!! Wooo! So it should be published very soon! and you know what I just realised? I haven't submitted ANYTHING in over a year! Last date I submitted was 25-10-10!! Well I'm back now and won't be going anywhere for a long time!

Oh yeah! The new chapter of Tomb Raider I just submitted is going to be my 100th story published!! Well not really but my stories page thinks it is. I technically have 102, but because I stupidly clicked the edit button on my very first two stories it changed them from 'approved' to 'edited' and if I submit them again they'll be out of that's why I haven't. I probably should though my first story was somewhat amusing, and it's nice to look back on.

Oh speaking of looking back on, I mentioned in an earlier post that I was going to make an old story I wrote when I was 7 or something into a sims story AND then I actually did. But then I had to reinstall the game and I thought I lost all those stories, turns out if you copy your neighbourhoods folder it not only saves simmies but it also saves stories. So I do have that story all made up but I don't know if it's really worth submitting it or not.

Anyway I don't know what I'm still doing writing in this blog....really tired and I submitted my story ages ago. It's now 8:58AM and the cat is fast asleep on my lap.....he looks so happy and peaceful. Although he doesn't enjoy the sound of typing very much so I have to substitute typing fast for typing quietly......ah jeez the things we do for our pets.

Oh! See I knew there was something else! The Sims 3 arrived in the mail on Monday!! Installed it last night.....or the night before. Haven't played it yet though. I mean I've played it before when it first came out I had a pre-order but I returned it shortly after installing it on my computer. Haha the guy behind the counter was so shocked. But I really don't like the sims 3! I don't know maybe I'll change my mind after I make some pretty sims and good stories with it.

Anyway it's 9:06AM it takes so long typing quietly! Stupid cat! Ah woops woke him he's giving me sleepy daggers.......and now he's back asleep. Well I'm about to go to sleep too, so I hope you enjoy my new Tomb Raider story.


Adios xox

Sims 3 and Somewhat Update

Okay so it's been two weeks........and there's a lot more background work that I forgot about e.g. creating objects and or finding them somewhere. So still in the process of creating the next Tomb Raider story!


Anyway that aside I just wanted to say that I BOUGHT SIMS 3 THIS AFTERNOON!!! well......I ordered it and it should be here within a week or so. Also bought Sims 3 Pets!! Hehe! mwuahahahahahaaaa! and lastly sims medieval!!!! It took so long to save up for all of them!

Okay so lastly I've set a goal to have the first chapter of Tomb Raider published within a week, the maximum being 7 days from today and hopefully I can abide by that and you'll be able to read it before next Thursday!

Sword of Excalibur


I just thought I'd keep anyone who's interested updated; Okay so I'm about halfway through making the first chapter of the next Tomb Raider story and I've just spent the last hour or so making the front cover for it! :)


I'm still not sure if I like how it's come out, so there may be changes made to it....but for now.....this is the front cover for the new Tomb Raider story!! :D


Also as a sidenote, I've put a hold on my TAFE course and am seeking some full time work. Which means at this point I have nothing to do but sim!! Mwuahahahahahaaaa.......until I find a job that is. So, it's sort of evil cackle worthy.

Anyway I hope you all enjoy my story once I publish it in the next few days!!


Adios xox

First Chapter Started!!


You know it's about the one month mark where I feel the need to actually write here and tell you I'm sorry I haven't published yet and I'm still writing!! Anyway I spent the entire day writing! and also started making the first chapter wooo!!!! 3 complete screenshots! It's a start and I had a lot of background work to do before I started e.g. sim building/lot building and the likes.

Also need to make a front cover for the new story'm trying to get everything done and then I can publish!!! Mwuahahahahaaa!

Anyway back to the sims!

Adios xox

Latest Headlines

New TSR? And Stories Will Be... Wednesday Update Subject? Dissappointment.... :( Future Plans That I WILL Stick... Chapter 3: DAMN YOU INTERNET!!!!!! Chapter 2......? Chapter 1 - Tomb Raider... Sims 3 and Somewhat Update Sword of Excalibur First Chapter Started!!
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