german84 (301138)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (11 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Strange-downtown Park
Published Aug 23, 2010
About Me
Hello!!! My name is German from Mexico. I've liked the Sims since about 2003. My favourite part is the ability to build lots, and recreate any people in my world. I hope you like my creations. I will try to create something soon, as long as real life lets me. If there's anything I could do for you, please send me a PM. Good luck!!!
My Latest Updates Show All
Rediscovering the siteWritten Aug 09, 2010
Nothing new here... I'm still mexican, and as far as I'm aware, I'm still me (How selfish, hahahaha) Recently, I've found myself playing the Sims 2 once again, since I've found the Freetime EP. Yet, work and some other "activities" have interferred with it, hahaha. I'll try to make and upload something... Though I'm a bit rusted: Three years without a creation defo... ...More
First entry...Written Jan 08, 2009
Well, nothing new around here. I've been a little away from here, and it sees: I have practically made nothing for the sims for about one year, save for some lot which you can find at I've just discovered the new layout of the site, which I find amazing!! It looks more rounded, and user friendly... Still gotta go to the forums, to see if anything has changed,... ...More
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WelshWitchOct 23, 2012
hey german you still out there hugs and frogs from the witch
Wolfsim68Aug 27, 2010
Thank you so much for the lovely comment on Silent Hill - & the warning about Mrs Crumplebottom... I'm really glad you like it! Love & Hugs Shaz
juhhmiAug 21, 2010
Thank you for commenting my Luxurious apartments picture!