juhhmi (2051462)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (116 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Green Spring Palace
Published May 21, 2013
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About Me
Building in Sims 2 has been my passion for a long time so I've built everything from small houses to large castles, especially the latter.
Some of my builds and drawings: http://juhhmi.deviantart.com/
My Latest Updates Show All
Summer is coming!Written May 12, 2013
I've really enjoyed my university studies and I've only got three exams left this spring. Hence, I'm also enjoying the summery weather as well as building a new Baroque lot in the Sims 2! The lot has interesting garden features and interiors inspired by noracelwyne's beautiful project: http://forums.thesimsresource.com/index.php?/topic/271677-baroque-showcase-for-your-regal-simswip/... ...More
University studies...Written Oct 16, 2012
...take a lot of time. Well, I've also played Simcity 4 (hence my latest building is a forge), and started a calligraphy hobby (I have already [too] big plans...). The first exams are next week so I have to read for those too... At the moment, I have no idea how well those will go... Being me, I tend to have too many projects at once, so I haven't build anything for my Sims 2 Baroque... ...More
Old wallpapersWritten Jun 10, 2012
While buiding my latest mansion, I had problems with finding suitable wallpapers. However, after seeing beautiful tapestry in a TV-program (I Own Britain's Best Home) featuring a mansion, I decided to copy it by drawing and then fixed and coloured it on my computer. The result is a set of continuous wallpapers which is soon to be published. I even have an motif idea for the next... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
Katry6Jan 07, 2014
Jukra. Ihan yllätyin ku täällä on joku suomalainenkin!
maddyt123Nov 01, 2013
Any time! Keep up the good work and thanks. I kinda need some help still. Usually after it downloads and becomes a folder. Lots usually work (like the little blue guy coming out of the box shows up and when I double click it, it works) but if it isn't the blue guy in the box it doesn't work. and I don't know why :l Help?
millyanaAug 07, 2013
Hi Juhhmi! Thanks so much for the sweet comment about my Cedarbrook Manor lot! I was reading your blog and noticed that you said something about your English vocabulary? I thought English was your first language!! All the best, milly