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jsf's Guestbook

squeakersMar 8, 2010

\:wub\: Hi Judi, I hope your having a good day, and that your staying warm and dry, do you have any snow left? I wanted to let you know I sent you something red to your email, if you don't get it, let me know, and I'll send it again, hopefully it will be clear enough for you to see.\;\) I'm still working on my downloads, so it will be a bit for my project. I found some walls of yours that I didn't have yet, omg are they gorgeous, these walls I found are old ones, back in 2005 I believe. I'm off to get more goodies, TC, and have a great day!!!!! Big hugs\:wub\:

71robert13Mar 4, 2010

Thanks Judy! Have a great day. SKS

hiedibear75Mar 3, 2010

The latest house you made to show in the forums is absolutely GORGIOUS! \:rah\:  Making walls & floors isn't your only Sims talent. \:cool\:  Take care. \:wub\:

topaz27Feb 28, 2010

Hi Judi, Your so sweet \:wub\:  you made me feel so much better, because I was feeling so terrible about not being around to thank you sooner, your pink bookcases look so perfect in the game, I really do love them so much, and I have now just downloaded your beautiful pink carpets, they look so gorgeous and the pink rose one is awesome, thank you so much for everything and I look forward to many more of your beautiful creations \:wub\: wishing you a wonderful week \:\) take good care, lots of hugs from a very grateful Topaz \:wub\:

71robert13Feb 27, 2010

Hi Judy, Thanks for the fantastic comment on my  Chichester Stonework Set ! I sincerely appreciate the compliment. I hope all is going well with you. Take care & have fun, SKS \:D

hiedibear75Feb 27, 2010

I saw a picture of Chester Lisa's dog......he wus burried up so high his belly was still touching snow....& he isn't a little dog. \;\)  I think Lisa said something about 20+ inches? \:confused\:  I'd never be able to leave me house! \:eek\:  Funny you should mention mud......it's EVERYWHERE! \:rolleyes:  We've been getting about as much presipetation as you guys just in the form of rain. \;\)  Normally I would have said that since I live in California I don't have to worry about tornadoes......BUT....can you believe we had a tornado cloud in SAN DIEGO & a small funnel actually touched down in I think it was L.A. or Riverside area which is just a bit further north from me. \:eek\:  Freaky weather! \:confused\:  But yes we do have problems with firestorms. \:o  Actually the last time we had one it got close enough we could see the flames on the hill behind our house........we got so far as to put everything we would want to take in the middle of the livingroom so that if we needed to evacuate we already had the stuff gathered up all we'd have to do is throw it all in the RV & get the critters in the RV. \:wacko\:  But thankfully the airdrops & ground crews were able to get it under control before we actually had to leave. \:rah\:  And as for earthquakes.......we've got our very own set of warning systems........all we have to do to keep them running is feed them kibble & scratch them in just the right spots & take them to the VET for maintanance. :P  Cats & dogs are generally going to start acting odd & visably nervous before earthquakes. \;\)  And we've got several of both at our house. \:cool\:  Well enjoy your snow. :P  I personally don't enjoy ANY KIND of moist weather! \:\(  I love making stuff/doing stuff with my Sims to take my mind off how the lousy weather makes me feel. \;\)  Well take care. \:wub\:

topaz27Feb 26, 2010

Hi Judi \:\)  Thank you soooooooooooooo much for making the pink bookcase set \:wub\:  they are absolutely gorgeous, sorry for not thanking you sooner, I feel terrible \:\(  but I have not been in TSR for a few weeks due to moving home, and so today when I logged in for the first time,  and saw them I was so happy, what a welcome back \:\)  I have also saw your awesome pink floor set and your beautiful blue wall set \:\)   I can't wait to download them too \;\)   you are awesome Judi, I just love all your creations so much \:wub\:  I would like to wish you a very wonderful weekend my dear friend \:\)  lots of hugs Topaz \:wub\:

hiedibear75Feb 26, 2010

So are you having to break out the shovel like Lisa or have you opted for your very own snow-plow? :P  Well I haven't had to dig my house out from feet of snow we've had rain storm after rain storm after rain storm. \:rolleyes:  I think I'm starting to have feathers where there used to be hair & webbed feet growing. LOL  I think of your walls as being bright as in CHEERFUL........not bright as in I need sunglasses. \;\)  I know I don't submit many houses using CC......that's mainly because #1 not a lot of people seem to be able and/or willing to make nice lots using MAXIS ONLY......but also it's WAAAAYYY easier to remember what's needed.....MAXIS. :P   I'm gonna have to go through my downloads & fiugre out what it was that I put in that the game or my PC don't like.........but then if I don't make a lot for upload I think I need to make some for at least for screenshots.........cuz who ever thinks your walls are bright in a bad way isn't all that bright when it comes to decorating. :P  Well take care & try to freeze. \:wub\:

laivine_erunyauveFeb 22, 2010

Hi Judi. Thanks for the nice comment you wrote on my house, The Miranda. I'm glad you like it and I hope you enjoy using it. \:\)

srgmls23Feb 21, 2010

Hello sorry for my late reply \:o .. just wanted to say thanks for the comment you made on my paint ( Painted by me )... thank you hugs\:P Sérgio

drewsolteszFeb 21, 2010

Hey Judi! Thanks so much for commenting on "The Cattle Drive" I have a new story out, 'Oceans of Time II' a sequel to the time travel story I did in September 2009. Hope you can check it out! Cheers~And thanks for downloading a bunch of my stuff, wow, I am really beaming here! Cheers mate!!!

klbjcbFeb 14, 2010

Hi Judi, Jordyn and I both wish you a very Happy Valentine's Day!  We did get DOTs invisible book case items and they work great with your walls.  They look pretty too!!  Have a joyful day! Kathy

DOTFeb 14, 2010

Happy ~ ♥ ~ Day!

hiedibear75Feb 4, 2010

Yeah there is a lot of that TS3 dust flying around here. \:rolleyes:  Thats music to MY ears that you won't be leaving TS2 anytime soon. \:rah\:  My room-mate Karen akak Karie on TSR has TS3 now.........now I'm even more happy to stick with TS2......TS3 is WAAAAY too fast paced game for me & my slow working brain & lousy eye-balls. \:P LOL  She showed me "an easy to see seed" uh that's a matter of opinion........& my 1/2 blind opinion is that wasn't anywhere even remotely near what I call "see-able". \:wacko\:  I loose puppies & kittens & if I don't play with boolprop on to make infants selectable I tend to loose them too. \:eek\:  I even had a nanny leave an infant outside just aftter Seasons EP came out & the social worker came & took my infant, toddler, & 2 children......they left the teenager though (that's when I learned they only take children & younger). \:mad\:  So now if I am playing a challenge I don't cheat I just use the boolprop to locate the babies. \:P ROTFL  Well I hope the weather is not TOO cold for you & Lisa. \:cool\:  We're colder than most years but I'll still take my California weather <----- that's what Lisa calls it......she says it's not "REAL weather". :P  But I guess I can't disagree either. \;\)  Take care. \:wub\:

sims2fanbgFeb 1, 2010

You are very talented.

ayyuffJan 28, 2010

I am glad to know you like my Grassy Paving Set and thank you so much for lovely comment \:wub\: Have a nice day!

klbjcbJan 25, 2010

Hi Judy.  I love bold and dramatic things.  I think the ritzy bathroom sounds awesome.  Maybe they could be used in the foyer of a ritzy hotel?  Lots of places, I'm sure.   Thanks for sharing these with us, they are beautiful.  Kathy

topaz27Jan 23, 2010

Hi Judi, Thank you so much for letting me know about Dots Invisable Bookcase etc, these are awesome, what a brillant idea \:\)  I am still hoping so much that you will do some more of these white bookcases, perhaps a white and pink set  \;\) \:wub\:  sorry but I could not help myself \:rolleyes:  wishing you a wonderful and fun weekend \:\)  hugs Topaz \:wub\:

pfaffJan 23, 2010

Hi, Boy do I ever miss your walls. I was diagnosed with a brain tumor on Christmas eve and haven't been back to the sims 2. Its too hard to concentrate on 2 different projects at once. I've been spending my time in the Sims 3 wishing you were there designing your awesome walls there. You have a wonderful talent for color, design and proportion and I really do enjoy your designs. Hope you have a wonderful year.  Nancy

klbjcbJan 20, 2010

Hi Judy, I will go check out DOT's invisible bookcase.  It sounds great.  Thanks for sharing this with me.  How fun!!  I love new stuff.  Have a joyful day.  Kathy

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