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Created for: The Sims 3
This is a Set with 10 Creations - Click here to show all
Hello.. I'm back again... with the final set of the Holbrook Series... The Holbrook Kitchen Collection
The Holbrook Kitchen Collection, another fine use of century-old, reclaimed wood! Eco and price friendly, the Holbrook Kitchen collection completes the Holbrook Series! This time, we just didn't reclaim century-old wood ... but we also stomped thru the backwoods of Simsdom to find just the right barn. A barn for what you may ask! Well, for the fireplace mantle of course!! Not the whole barn, no! But, we carefully disassembled the 200 year old barn and reclaimned the barnbeams to create the perfect mantle for the Holbrook Kitchen Fireplace!! We searched fleamarkets and yard sales to find just the right, matching antique ceramic knobs for the drawers and doors! We're excited about the possibilities of this kitchen and it's accessories... we hope you are too!!
The beautiful bi-fold glass doors you see are from Angela's newest set! The Aiden Build Set
The windows you see above the counters are from Mutske
The gorgeous oval ragrugs are from abuk0
The beautiful curtains, and some of the other accessory objects are only available in Angela's marvelous Kudo's Bedroom Set... so, save your Kudos!! ;) The set is well worth it.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1010619
ItemID: 1010619
Revision: 2
Filesize: 3 MB
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Credits: Angela, Mutske, Abuk0, EA, and Workshop
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