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Created for: The Sims 3
This is a Set with 14 Creations - Click here to show all
Make viaducts, bridges or complete buildings of any height with this collection of arches and matching decor - from downtown slums to stately manors. No building cheats required!
There are two types of arch: wall decor that will hide itself when walls are down (use this for buildings), and stand-alone arches that are floor-supporting columns (use for decorative bridges etc). Also in the set is rail track, buffers, steel panel (bridge) fencing, and matching windows and two door styles for buildings under arches.
Decorative arches for building coverings and the rail buffers will be found under Decor / Misc
Structural arches (stand-alone) will be found under Build / Columns
Rail track and truss fencing will be found under Build / Fencing
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1117485
ItemID: 1117485
Filesize: 4 MB
Decorative archwork shows both outside and inside the wall by deliberate design so you don't need to add meshes each side of the wall. NEW ADD-ON SET - see Recommended Links (arches that don't show through the wall, separate top-wall pieces, additional functioning arch doors...)
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