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lreveles18's Guestbook

spladoumApr 25, 2013

Hi there! I found your work while looking for something cute for a toddler boy to wear. I ended up getting a LOT of your items and I will definitely be using them on my toddlers and children for my pose screenshots. Thank you so much for your high-quality work. \:wub\:

hyprekiaApr 12, 2011

Hello\:\) I just wanna thank you for all the great creations\:\) I have downloaded alot of the clothing for children and toddlers. Keep up the good work. The kids really needed more clothing.

HadewychFeb 3, 2011

Ohai! \:D  My game has been giving me grief and I couldn't locate my children's clothes downloads any more - good thing I remembered you had loads of them - just came and downloaded all (yes, ALL \:D) of your clothes (except the crocheted bathing suits and bikinis, I still have nightmares about one I had when I was small - haha \:o )  Thanks again for all your hard work, my Sims children especially will be very grateful \:\)

Sims2*FairyDec 29, 2010

thank you for your amazing work!

flody888Dec 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!!! \:\)

ioname2youNov 28, 2010

beautiful clothes

murfeelNov 8, 2010

\:eek\: \:eek\: SWEET GOODNESS !!!! \:eek\: I just looked at the other non-TSRAA items on the list that slipped in and noticed that I ALSO have your wonderful Painting Botanical wall art paintings on the lot as well!!!! \:eek\: Please please may I use that, too? \:\( It was EXACTLY what I was looking for, for my herbalist Sim theme! \:wub\: Sorry about all of this! \:D I just see something I love and it goes RIGHT on the lots without a second thought, and then comes back around to bite me in the tooshie later on! lol

murfeelNov 8, 2010

Hi! Nice to meet you, I'm Murfee! I have to ask you a favor: very recently I downloaded your gorgeous Sequin Big Pattern here, and even more recently I just submitted a lot to TSR that uses the pattern in one room. Only, I never even noticed that your pattern is NOT TSRAA!!! \:eek\: \:eek\: I had a TON of problems trying to get the lot down to size so it could be accepted into the database without being too big--something is wrong in my system, cuz the file size of the lot keeps rising every time I make a change, and I'm afraid that if I go back into the Lot to take your pattern out and resubmit the file the MB size will skyrocket again! \:P \:wacko\: So do you very much mind giving me your permission to use the Sequins Big Pattern in my lot? \:\( I'm still new to the whole Lot Submissions rules, but I did read in the TSRAA section that I could at least ask, lol \:\) It would very much be appreciated if you say yes, but if not I'll just remove the pattern right away! \:\) Thanks for your time, and a splendid creation; I'm envious! \:rah\:

RayBNov 3, 2010

I had to drop you a line today to thank you for all of your beautiful creations of children, toddler and teens clothes.  I am so happy to find you as an artist, because I had no nice clothes for the kids and teens in my game.  I was so sad until I found your creations.  They are so nice and lovely colors.  Thank you so much for sharing them and please keep creating.  Your work is great.  Have a great day.

flody888Oct 16, 2010

Hi!! I just had to stop and say thank you for your creative work and generous sharing! \:D I recently went on a downloading shopping spree with your clothes. \:D And while cleaning up my files, I noticed that many of my favourite patterns are yours!!! In particular, retrobirds (so cute!!!) and elephants. \:\) Oh, and I did find a skirt that works pretty well so far (although I've only used it once and haven't played that sim family for long). It's Tantra's on modthesims. Anyhow, just had to say thank you for all your lovely things! My kids' closets are full now! LOL Have a lovely day!

sympathynzSep 14, 2010

I had a problem recently with corrupted CC that meant reinstalling my games.  I got the Clean Up Sims3pack from Mod The Sims and just found the problem.  It's your childs casual nightgown, July 26 2010 that is coming up corrupted.  It's the only one of your files I've found so far.

Nea-005Jul 22, 2010

Love your patterns and kids stuff \:\) Thank you for making it and sharing \:\) Hugs :\:wub\::

dsrhnryJul 22, 2010

hi, i've enjoyed looking at your creations. i am happy to see lots of childrens designs, I scoop up all the ones i can find. I like my little simmie children to be well dressed too. hehe, but really, thank you very much for your hard work and time you put into all your designs. 

demtay12Jul 16, 2010

WOW! i luv your kids clothing! if i was still a { little } kid, i would luv them! i am 13 now, and these are some of the most awsomest clothes ever! lol, I LOVE the skinny leg jeans! kk, have a nice day and plz reply, BTW.... if you take request i would love a one strap top! LOL! xxx Demi \:\)

DVSVJul 13, 2010

Nice creations \;\)

natef005Jun 15, 2010

Wow, your creations are so great! I'm gonna be your fan for my sim kids clothes! \:wub\:  Happy you liked my toddler's outfit! Thank you for the comment! Hugs!\:wub\: \:D

goku6547Jun 11, 2010

Thank you so much for doing toddler and Child clothes! It is so hard to find nice clothes like yours for these age groups. You are a blessing to my sim children. ;D

flody888Jun 10, 2010

Oh, and I love your Modern Kitchen Utencils!!! It fits so perfectly with the game! For the longest time I'd see the file and keep wondering who made it! When I was 'shopping' in your site a few weeks/months ago, I found it again! So now I know who it belongs to and can give proper credit. \:D THANK YOU!!! \:\)

flody888Jun 10, 2010

Hi! Thank you for replying! \:wub\: Wow, I didn't know you couldn't mesh! Your items do NOT look like rehashed basegame stuff! They look SO ORIGINAL and CUTE!!! \:\) Your new skirt sounds like a good project. \:\) I hope it doesn't cause you too much frustration. \:D I just downloaded your denim jumper b/c it is a little shorter and kid-friendly. It is the only one out of 7 similar items that I kept! Not to say that the others weren't nice but... \:D Thank you again for creating and sharing! My sims babies and kids would not be so cute without your clothes! \:D And thanks again for the nice reply!!!

flody888Jun 9, 2010

Hello! I love your clothes for kids and toddlers! \:\) Most of my kids' stuff is from you and ukpoppy. \:\) Do you take requests at all? I was looking for short skirts for girls (not mini). Shorter than the basegame skirts. Maybe the same length as the basegame shorts? There are short skirt outfits but no short skirt separates (except from super_niin here on TSR -- which I downloaded). I thought maybe I'd put this 'bug in your here' b/c I do like your version of kids' clothes. \:\)  Thank you for your time and please don't mind me if you don't take requests! \:\)

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