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marcorse's Blog


Thank you to all the lovely people who have sent messages of support since my last blog post . . . your thoughts and prayers are very dear to me.

Unfortunately, I cannot give any good news . ..

I have terminal pancreatic cancer and as with any cancer in this organ, without surgery life expectancy is  .. well, much like. . .how

long is a piece of string?' . . .no-one knows, but the concensus is months rather than years.

I have declined surgery as it would be a massive operation and too risky at my age [83 today] . . and my specialist surgeon agrees with me. That leaves only chemo and /or radiation.  I have opted for chemo and expect to begin that sometime in the next week or so, once the experts have pinpointed which of a possible 2 types of cancer mine is . . . the treatments are different for each.

I am not despondent . . . I have lived a full and fruitful life by my own expectations . .  and there is nothing I wish I had done, but didn't get around to it.  I am of no particular religious belief, but I do believe in my own way.  Bottom line, I am a realist but I never give up.

So I hope to see you all again soon on the download pages, once my routine is re-established.

I wish all of you a safe and healthy 2021 . . . and hope to be with you for most of it.





Leave of Absence

I will be taking a couple of  weeks off, as of today.   Routine tests have indiciated a lump on my pancreas and [because I am extremely fortunate] the finding is being investigated immediately.  Therefore I will be away from home for various procedures from time to time and unable to access my computer, at least for the next 2 weeks.

I will take this opportunity to wish everyone a special festive season and hope that we are all safe and sound come the New Year.




To all those kind and generous people who have left comments on my downloads and to all those who have downloaded without comment . . I wish tyou and yours,  the very best Holiday Season ever and a truly awesome 2020.  Peace and goodwill to all.




Little did I know when I posted last, that I'd be missing for more than a little bit longer . . .the virus wasn't too dramatic . . but I found I was having trouble seeing and it seems there was a delayed complication from the cataract surgery earlier in the year . . not a huge problem, but I needed to stay away from computer screens and such .  and no reading [which was worse for me] . . .until things were sorted.

Bottom line . . .I've been cleared to resume my usual schedule of 'eyework' . . so have uploaded a few walls to keep my hand in  LOL.   Hope some of you find them useful.

Take care of your eyes . . .believe me, the alternative ain't worth the thinking!




Well!   Once again my plans to be up and running in a few days were scuttled by a late Winter virus . . in Spring! . . and I just didn't have the energy left for computer stuff.  

I'm pleased to say that I'm back on deck and slowly catching up with things again . . still a little way to go, but I've managed to put up a couple of things - a wall and a painting - hopefully enough to bridge the 'gap'.  LOL.

Hope to see you soon on a more regular schedule.





Due to a part failure on my PC a little while back I have been unable to post or upload to TSR [or anywhere else for that matter LOL]. Thankfully the unit was covered by a 'care'  package . . and even though it was almost 4 years old, it was replaced with a new unit because the fault was not mine. Score one for the user!

I still have a way to go to get my bits and bobs back onto this new machine, but will hopefully have something to show for my efforts in a couple of days . . .all the programmes and add-ons I have accummulated over time . . .all my cache of stuff for TSR . . .it all has to be sorted and re-installed . . oh! mercifcul heavens, help me!

This post is just to say that I'm not quite done yet . .

... see you all soon




15 million downloads

Yay for me!  and for all those lovely Simmers who have contributed to this milestone - especially the ones who keep on keeping on . . you know who you are . . and I love you all.  

15M might not stack up large against our high profile members' tallies . . . but for an old graphics hack like me . . it's FANTASTIC!  

I still have to pinch myself every so often to make sure it's real.   So . . it's all down  to you my friends  . . .THANK YOU!

Some of you have asked after my health recently and I thank you for your caring  . . .  I can say that my eyes are back to 20/20 [and that's pretty extraordinary at 81!] . . but the rest of me is still some way off optimum . . getting there, but it's a sloooow process that tends to frustrate even my high level of patience some days. . .   the alternative is not to be considered, so . . .one day at a time is my plan . . and it seems to be working.

See you around the site I hope



Report card for 2018.

the last few months have been a bit of a seesaw with health problems taking precedence over most other things . . except perhaps keeping up a supply of uploads here on TSR . . . which I have tried to do with mixed results LOL.    I have baging breathing difficulties right now  .  and also recovering from the first cataract surgery . . not a good combination under any circumstances.  So, even though I read every comment I just haven't had the available time/energy at the same time, to spend it on return posts.   That isn't likely to change short term . . so please continue to let me know what you think, even though it might be months before I get to respond . . it's not personal, just a fact of my life right now . . . but I'm winning and that is the point.  Greetings of the Season to those who celebrate Christmas . . . and for everyone, good luck for a stress-free 2019 . . all  year long.   Love to all.    Marg. xoxo


Most of you will have heard of the saying 'Murphy's Law'?   That's when you make plans to do someting and then at the last minute somethng always seems to crop up to torpedo them? , . . . .welll, I sometimes think that Mr. Murphy lives on my shoulder  LOL.     I schedule things and have every intention of following the plan . . . but then . . . this time  a little vacation in the local hospital for some cut and paste . . . oh well!    at least I'k still here to grizzle about it LOL.

I have just begun the mammoth task of responding to your comments, so stay tuned, yours could be next.  Love to all.


Comments and Guestbooks

 I didn't edit this message so no idea how it got down into the Tag window!   I don't know what happened there.   Gremlins again? I've cleared the Tag window and hope this time the message is reported correctly   . .Marg.

This is what I wrote yesterday LOL

I gave up trying to rrespond to comments a few weeks ago because I kept getting the same error message in Guestbooks and I simply haven't had time since then to sit down and go through the many that have been unanswered.  Please know that I appreciate your input and will eventually get to yours . . hopefully before the end of the current week . . . big thanks and hugs to you in the meantime and also to those who saw the Artist Draft announcements and left messages. . . . I'm chuffed!

See you soon. xo


Latest Headlines

HEALTH UPDATE Leave of Absence CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR GREETINGS MISSING FOR A WHILE LONGER . . . . MISSING FOR A WHILE . . contd MISSING FOR A WHILE 15 million downloads Report card for 2018. MURPHY'S LAW Comments and Guestbooks
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