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marcorse's Guestbook

aryom_ksaFeb 3, 2025

Thank you so much for creating such lovely and beautifully creations \:wub\: rest in peace, angel.

SimariliaJan 27, 2025


daisy26maeNov 19, 2024

This is so sad about her having pancreatic cancer. I am assuming she didn't survive. This past May, I lost a friend who had pancreatic cancer. She has a daughter. I visited her a few days before she passed and it was really hard to see her that way. This type of cancer is hard to survive, most people don't know they have it until stage 4. Usually there is not much they can do as it is aggressive. My thoughts and prayers go out to her family and her.

tso_pizza_maker_champSep 29, 2024

Thank you for having made such lovely creations \:wub\:

supernovasimsJul 30, 2024

I remember when this lovely woman left the one and only message in my guestbook. I think about her every time I browse TSR. Rest in peace.

rlgreenwaltJul 5, 2024

I know you're in Heaven, but I still think about you, and smile! You made both my games special. I will always love you for the many things you have created. You are a truly wonderful person!

lavilikesimsAug 31, 2023

Remembering Marcorse who passed away on May 4th. 2021 May we remember this kind hearted woman kindly

Monalici0usJun 8, 2023

Hey, it will be 9 years since my last comment soon. Regarding your last update, i guess we won't see you anymore. I ended up downloading those patterns i was talking about for my sims 3 games hehe. But to this day, sims 4 is the only game i've been playing. I was just stopping bye, I felt like saying hello to you. I hope you're feeling well over there and that the place you're in as soft than the clouds.

WildBlueWillowMay 17, 2023

Just in to finally install Sims 4 content in my game after my computer stopped being able to run Sims 3. I loved your work for Sims 3 and look forward to downloading your work in Sims 4 to think of you each time I see it in game. Many Blessing to you Marg .. as long as I live .. I will never forget you and your wonderful work. \:wub\:

Rita003Apr 29, 2023

Dear Sweet Marcose: It has been over a year since we last heard from you and, given that you had pancreatic cancer, my guess is that your ordeal with it was lost. With luck has it, Marcose, we know that you are flying high with the Angels while making mischief. We miss you and your lovely creations and want you to know that you are loved and remain in our thoughts for the positive attitude that you brought to so many. Perhaps, we will meet again in the next world to share a cup of coffee and to enjoy a good long chat. Rest in happiness and joy. \:wub\:

snflowerOct 10, 2022

I'm just checking up on you to see how you are doing.

sleepxwalkingOct 7, 2022

I've downloaded so much of your brilliant content. I've read your last post and it's been quite a long time since the last update so I am assuming the worst and I don't know why but I am sitting here bawling my eyes out. Peace be with you friend. 😭❤

CurvaceousSimsAug 27, 2022

I thought of you today and came here to say you are still remembered. Here on TSR your work lives on and warms my heart when I see it in my game. Dear, sweet Marg, I'll see you on the other side. \:wub\:

NgawhetuatatuAug 23, 2022

I love your profile, you are very cool and witty! It's great to see that anyone of any age can get into video games. Your creations are fantastic and adorn many of my Sim homes, I only wish I could have them for my real home! Thanks so much for taking the time to create things and sharing them with those of us who can't create them.

P.J.MM.May 1, 2022


mrobardsMar 4, 2022

My prayers are with you and your family.\:\(

Newbury57Nov 18, 2021

your work is wonderful\:\)

binewskioNov 18, 2021

I just read your health update from January and the many rest in peace messages that have been left for you. I haven't seen an official notice or update so I'm not going to make any assumptions and I hope that you are still with us. My mom recently passed from cancer (colon) so I know that what you've been going through is harrowing and extremely difficult (huge understatement). I hope that you have/had loving people around to support you and that you know/knew that you have made a mark in the lives of many people that you've never even met. Your beautiful creations will live on. In the meantime I'm sending you love, hugs and support and the wish that you've been able to continue or discontinue treatment on your terms, because that is so extremely important. Happy trails to you beautiful, kind, talented Marg.

hillop02Oct 6, 2021

your walls are the best! I\:wub\: appreciate your work!

soize71000Sep 29, 2021

Thank uou very much for all your amazing creations.

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