olcia_olivinea (1535728)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (17 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

105 Strawberry Street
Published Oct 24, 2012
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (677 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Base game compatible - 113...
Published Jan 11, 2014
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About Me
Hi everyone !
I'm a not-so-typical girl from Poland. I am trying to be a hard-working student, but most of the time - I am enjoying playing and creating for The Sims. I love making clothes (mostly without meshes, to save your precious hard disc space) and building lots in The Sims 2&3 (especially small and cozy homes in original Maxis' style. I try to make them not only look nice, but to create a home in which I would actually live). Feel free to browse my creations, I hope that you will find something for you .
I would like to say a huge 'thank you' to every single person who ever left any kind of feedback about my stuff. It's the best reward for me after hours of creating and pulling out my hair .
It will be a great honour for me if you would like to visit me at my website: http://olivinea.bravehost.com/
Follow my Aldus Legacy @ http://olivinea.tumblr.com/
My Latest Updates Show All
Base game starters - Sims 2&3Written Jul 16, 2012
Hi dear fellow simmers :)! Lately I just can't get enough of starter houses! But I don't want to ignore those of you which have got Sims 3, so at the moment I am converting all of Strawberry Street starters from Sims 2 to Sims 3. It is so much fun, because I have much more options while choosing styles. So it means, that it takes a lot more time to build, even if I have house plans! But I... ...More
Aldus LegacyWritten Apr 15, 2012
Hi folks :)! I've recently started my very own legacy, which you can find @ tumblr . Hope you will visit me there and enjoy this little story of mine :) Huggles! Ola ...More
ChangesWritten Feb 19, 2012
Hi everyone :) Few thing have changed in my life - firstly, I finally finished my University :)! I am really happy about it. Secondly, now I have more free time for creating! I'd like to present you my newly built house - 1 Rosewood Valley. It has got 3 bedrooms and 3 baths, kitchen and diningroom with cozy fireplace, livingroom and a garden... everything what your Sims will need :). Here... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
ibox159Feb 09, 2018
Mam takie nietypowe pytanie.. Jak eksportować simów do pliku w The Sims 2?
Z góry dziękuję za odpowiedź, pozdrawiam
TSMWorksMay 02, 2016
Serio jesteś z Polski? To pozdro bo ja też.
Fajnie było by zobaczyć jakieś mody do TS4, i mogłabyś zrobić trochę?
PralinesimsDec 19, 2015
♥♥ *~~♥ ♥ ♥ Happy Holidays!!! ♥ ♥ ♥*~~ ♥♥