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simsjeanie's Guestbook

kateknightukSep 30, 2015

Hi Jeanie! I found my login for TSR, so thought I would stop by and say hello. I hope that all is well with you and yours. Take care Kate xxx

DOTDec 22, 2014

Happy Holidays to you! Wishing Peace and Chocolate to the world! \:wub\:

CyclonesueNov 9, 2013

Haven't seen you about in such a long time. I hope everything is well. \:\)

Peachybitz1Jan 12, 2013

Just passing by and stopped to say 'Hi' \:D

Darkking1Dec 30, 2012

Hi, sag mal, kann man sich hier noch mit gesammelten Kudos für 24 Std einen Premium Account holen? War so lange nicht mehr online hier :-/

Ray_SimsDec 26, 2012

♥ ♥ ♥ Merry Christmas and Wishing you an abudance of friends, happiness, joy holiday season and very best for the new year ♥ ♥ ♥ ~ much love ~ Ray ~ \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

DOTDec 25, 2012

~☆ Happy Holidays And A Wonderful New Year ☆~

fredbrennyJul 6, 2012

\:wub\: Hi dear! Hope all is well! I am extremely busy, but doing great! We'll talk soon again. For now BIG HUGS and KISSES! \:wub\:

NinjyJul 2, 2012

hey.. ich war lange weg vom fenster, vielleicht inetressiert dich ja mein relativ neuer blog.. da sind auch schon ein paar neue häuser hochgeladen, die es nicht bei tsr gibt \:\) lg Ninjy

fredbrennyMay 8, 2012

Jeanie (((((((HUGGGGGGGGS))))))) I need to talk to you one of these days \:wub\: It's been sooo long!

fredbrennyApr 14, 2012

Hi dear (((((Jeanie)))) \:wub\: I hope all is well, I am doing good. Next week I will move to my new place. It has been a long tiresome project and I am tired \:\) But all will be back to pretty much "normal" next month. Missing you! I have been sooooo busy with everything, you can't imagine. Talk to you soon again. Here is a nice fresh brewed cappuccino for you with some home made crumble. \:\) HUGGGGGGGGS

fabrizioammolloMar 8, 2012

Hi Jeanie! I just drop to bring you a bunch of mimosa (here is the symbol of the day). Happy Women's Day! F.

estaticaFeb 17, 2012

Hi Jeanie! Just dropping by to see how you are doing. You have a talent for leaving really wonderful messages in other people's guestbooks, so I hope that when this message finds you, you will be in great spirits. *Lots of cookies and hugs to you* \:\)

NinjyFeb 15, 2012

Hey jeanie, iiiich hab meinen cucake store hochgeladen, allerdings in meinem blog \;\) Hier ist der link wenn du interessiert bist: Lg Ninjy \:\)

Courtmc1021Feb 9, 2012

Hi Jeanie! Thanks for the Christmas and New Year's wishes! I've been pretty busy too, and not spending much time on here either! I hope you are doing well! Have a wonderful Valentine's day!

EmashapaJan 28, 2012

Dear Jeannie,  I too have been missing.  I just logged in for the first time in ages and found your delightful message!  Thank you so much for thinking of me, Ambrose is delighted with his catnip!  Cookies were yummy.  I wish you the best for 2012.  \:wub\: 

Darkking1Jan 21, 2012

Na du \:\) Ich wünsch dir auch ein frohes neues Jahr \:\)Alles gut überstanden? War schon lange nicht mehr on hier. Hab mit Sims gerade Probleme \:\( Seit den letzten beiden Patches kann ich gedownloadete Möbel nicht mehr wirklich nutzen \:mad\: Zum Beispiel kann ich keine Stühle mehr an die Tische Stellen oder wenn ich ein Waschbecken auf die Küchenplatte platzieren will, verschwindet die in den Boden, sodass da nur ein Loch zu sehen ist \:\(. Hast du schonmal von so einem Problem gehört zuuuufällig? \:D   Ich wünsch dir noch einen schönen Tag \:wub\: Gruß Darian

francienJan 13, 2012

Hi dear Jeanie, thank you for your delicious christmas cookies,it's always nice to find such a sweet present in front of my door, next time you knock on it so you can come in, I will make you some hot chocolate with whipped cream and a piece selfmade applepie. I hope real life is better now for you and that you maybe come back soon to your own lovely corner of the web. How was you holidayseason? it seems ages ago to me \:\) very busy time, cosy but I'm a little happy it's over by now and normal life is going on. Whe have a lot to do in our house, breaking out the kitchen and a wall, where the new kitchen will come, wallpapering the livingroom and so on..I've got the taste of breaking out old things after doing the bathroom, and the kitchen is soooo needed. Also cleaning out my game, all snowitems in the shed and new items back in, so I can try to build something differents. I really hope you are fine and that you come by from time to time when you can. Take care sweetie and see you! Hugs \:wub\:

cashcraftJan 12, 2012

Hi Jeanie! \:\) Thanks for the wonderful comment, compliment, and cookies...they were soooooo delicious! \;\)  I really appreciate your feedback on my creations and I hope you have a fantastic New Year! \:wub\: \:rah\:Carolyn

NinjyJan 10, 2012

haha, das ding ist das der rechner 2 mega lüfter hat und sonst alles super neu ist, mein onkel war echt ein pc spiele süchtig \;\) nur die grafikkarte passt nicht ins bild, aber seine spiele konnte er damit immer spielen..   und ja, den namen blinkgirl88 war irgendwie,... naja... nicht mehr so mein ding, und ninjy ist der name meiner katze daher fand ich ihn sehr passend \:\)  dir noch einen schönen abend, lg \;\)

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