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simsjeanie's Guestbook

BloisApr 30, 2011

Hallo!! \:\) I'm so happy you an many others like that bed room, It was a lot of fun to build the mansion and the rooms. Have a great day, IT is saturday!! have a great evening!! \:D

flody888Apr 30, 2011

Hi Jeanie! \:wub\: Thank you for the Easter wishes and goodies! \:\) I would've replied sooner but I'm having trouble with the site. \:\( I hope you had a lovely Easter! LOL I was going to say, as a joke, that I hoped the Easter bunny visited you...but what would it think when it saw the cats in your house! (There's a wild rabbit where I live and my cats love it too too much!)

hatshepsutApr 29, 2011

Hi Jeanie and thank you so much for the lovely Easter wishes,\:wub\: I hope your Easter was wonderful and chocolate covered!\:D

LilyOfTheValleyApr 29, 2011

Thank you very much, Jeanie, for your nice comment on my Tree Bench Set. I hope your sims will enjoy having these benches in the garden. \:wub\:

Peachybitz1Apr 29, 2011

Good Morning Jeanie \:\) I hope your internet is well and happy \:D Fixed yet? Thank you for the Easter cake \:\) I have tried to squeeze 4 bluebell pics on the 4 painting frame and it doesn't look so good..up close they are very fuzzy..I'm going to have a think about uploading it, or whether I should try a larger frame..maybe the blue prints..not sure yet \;\) I do need to take some more pics anyway, they weren't fully out when I went out last week..this week should be better, but today is cloudy and we might have rain (yay!) (\:D) so hopefully over the next couple of days it may be a bit brighter and then they will be out in their full glory (they're beautiful to see, it's like a blue carpet over the forest floor)..glad you liked it though, and I don't mind if you are greedy \;\) \:wub\: Hope you have a grand weekend and it is sunny where you are \:wub\:

Marauder281Apr 28, 2011

Thank you very much for nice Easter Wishes and the chocolate bunny! I am sorry I took so long to get back to you but am busy planning a long motorcycle trip. Hopefully it stops snowing soon so I can go. This winter just won't end!

LilyOfTheValleyApr 27, 2011

Thank you, Jeanie, for your Easter wishes and the cute chocolate bunny \:wub\: Happy Belated Easter to you too! \:D

Audrey MayApr 27, 2011

Hope you had a Happy Easter too!  And \:rah\: for chocolate bunnies!!

lilliebouApr 26, 2011

\:wub\: Happy easter, I hope you had many chocolate bunnies too ! \:wub\: :P

fabrizioammolloApr 26, 2011

Hi Jeanie! It's so sweet of you! Thank you very much for your wishes. I hope you had a very enjoyble EAster time with your family and that the internet problem is now fixed for good! I'm bringing a Easter dove for you. Here we are better with dough then with chocolate... Hugs, F.

martoeleApr 26, 2011

Thank you (((Jeanie))) for your Easter wishes. \:D Don't worry my dear; we don't do anything here to celebrate it with chocolate and Easter bunnies... Hahaha.... Things will change when having grandchildren around! I myself have problems with the Internet at the moment but well.... never mind.... And oh... yes, I had to work that weekend. When it's holiday for Europeans, guides have to work (cool). A big hug for you....

FlatterApr 26, 2011

Das Problem mit dem Internet kenne ich im Moment auch \:D Herzlichen Dank für die Ostergrüße und Dir auch eine schöne Osterwoche \:wub\:

ShinoKCRApr 26, 2011

Hallo! Jetzt weiss ich Deinen Vornamen nicht \:\(Kann es sein, dass Du wirklich Jeanie heisst? Ich hab mich sehr über Deinen Kommentar im Vintage Bedroom gefreut. Ich glaub ich kenn Dich von N99 - kann das sein? Huggles Renate

badangel^^^Apr 26, 2011

Thank you, Jeanie, for the lovely entry! \:wub\: I hope you had a great Easter too with lots of chocolate bunnies. Here is a special gift just for you - a giant basket with a sunny yellow ribbon and inside lots and lots of eggs, chocolate ofcourse! Have a wonderful week, dear Jeanie! \:wub\: Hugs, Hristina

maxi kingApr 26, 2011

\:wub\:Hi!Thank you so much for your sweet GB entry!I was busy so I didn't was much here as well!I hope you had a nice Easter as well!Have a wonderful day/week!\:wub\:

FlovvApr 26, 2011

Thank you so much for the chocolate bunny ! \:\) I will keep it on my shelf\;\), and thinking of you every time when I see on it, hope my cat won't be jealous because of the little cute bell and the green ribbon. \;\)Please take a virtual little white rabbit, that I saved from our kitties' dreams. \;\) They didn't know, but it's from delicious white choclate only for you. \:\) Happy Easter for you too! \:\)\:wub\: Frohe Ostern! \:\)\:wub\:

AyuApr 26, 2011

oh, dont worry about that! hope you had a blast too!

CleotopiaApr 26, 2011

Hey, It's not a problem \:D thank you for the chocolate egg! I really apperiece it! Actually I didn't post any Easter comment in any guestbook :$ I'm too lazy!

mellymoshpitApr 26, 2011

thankyou you for taking the time to write a comment on my fly by screenie \;\)

erwinsimsApr 25, 2011

Hey Jeanie Happy easter and don't spend the entire day hiding the eggs ;-)

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