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simsjeanie's Guestbook

IllandryaJul 17, 2010

Hi Jeanie!! I'm just settling down for the evening all cozy with a cup of tea and some hot buttered toast and vegemite and thought I would pop in to say hello, how are you, and hope you are enjoying your weekend \:\)

fredbrennyJul 14, 2010

I hope you wil tackle Nasty Mr Launcher very soon! Thanks for all your wonderful comments on my screenshots Jeanie! \:wub\: It's wonderful you found some time in between the tackling!  If you send Penelope to China again, make sure to look around for Cheng Wang Liang for me! And the house was on fire, because in Ambitions disasters like that strike...\:eek\:My man Murphy...He saved the entire lot! Thanks for liking the boat! It is fun being able to place our lots anywhere we want! Go Jeanie! GO! Beat Mr. Busybody!!!

fredbrennyJul 8, 2010

Just came back to refresh the food in the picnic basket..\:D  Hope we will see you around soon again!

fredbrennyJul 5, 2010

Hi (((Jeanie)))) Missing you! But I hope you are doing great! Everything under control my fiend? Cats, Kids, Dogs, Husbands? \:D  I am leaving you a full picnic basket with all kinds of goodies, so you can choose, it will not spoil\:D Love, Huggs, Kisses! \:wub\:

IllandryaJul 4, 2010

Hi Jeanie!! I hope you are well. I have had a lovely lazy weekend (sunny and not as cold as it has been, your canned sunshine must have worked) but it has also been quite productive! With no study or work to get in the way, I have finally managed to catch up on the stories here on TSR as well as a few of the blogs I follow. Not only that, but I'm almost caught up with my own updates as well \:D I've just posted the final chapter to Lost and Found as well as the next Veronika chapter. If you have a chance, I'd love to hear what you think. I will try to get the next Merindylen chapter out as soon as I can.

samcactus101Jul 4, 2010

Hey thats okay. i haven't been visiting TSR for a long time so i forget about comments i put for stories and pictures. you're welcome. \:D

PralinesimsJul 1, 2010

Hallo schnucki\:\) ich freue mich sehr das du wieder da bist!!\:rah\:\:rah\:ich kenne das gefühl! kaum ist man ein paar tage nicht auf TSR schon hat man mächtig nachzuholen! LOL\:D ich hoffe du hattest keinen stress \:D ich hoffe du hast eine schöne zeit und bist gesund und munter\:D drücke dich auch ganz feste und wünsche dir noch einen wunderschönen abend und eine tolle nicht zu heiße woche\:D endlich haben wir traumhaftes wetter! hat ja auch lang genug gedauert bis sich der sommer gemeldet hat\:D bis bald liebes *kissseeeesssss*\:wub\:\:wub\:

katelupJul 1, 2010

Thank You so much for all nice comments on my screenshots \:\)

caridinaJun 30, 2010

Hi Jeanie! Thanks for the coffee \:D I think it is a great idéa waiting to play the ambitions. There is a lot to find and the city, Twinbrook, is fantastic. It is very realistic. I have started a new Tessa, she is living in the swamp. But I haven't been taking so many screenies of her yet. She is building her scills now, and traveller to other counties. She have a lifetime wich, get visa 3 in all the other counties. But I feel that the screenies is the same as last time I played her. So when she is finnished with her travelling there is gonna be new screenies. I don't play as much as in winter/spring. It is so nice to be out in the nature now. Lot of hugs from Sonja \:rah\:

flody888Jun 29, 2010

Hello! It's a good thing you have some coffee. There are so many downloads to go through from a month! I just got through a couple of days worth and I can't imagine 30 days worth! \:eek\: Have fun though!! \:\)

fredbrennyJun 29, 2010

Good morning! It still is for 5 minutes! \:\) How are you this lovely day? Unfortunately I am stuck inside for the whole day. When the weather is as nice as today I really wish I didn't have to work, or had a job outside, like in the woods or parcs and do some real landscaping... I love to work outdoors. Now I am sitting behind a desk and again... on the computer. I submitted part 4 of my new story. Oh Jeanie, this story is so much fun to do! The big outlines I have, most screenshots I have, but I am still not sure how it will end. Well... Iknow HOW, but the path towards it.. I can take many turns, and I tried to do something very different this time. Meanwhile... It's past noon now. I had a telephone call\:\) I have some Rosinenbrot here, with a little bit of butter and a hot Latte. I am leaving it out here as I am pretty sure you will be outside enjoying Summer Season! Talk to you later (((girlfriend))) Big ugggs and kisses, Frederique

Jennifer_RJun 29, 2010

Hi Jeanie, you sound as though you have been very busy with all your guests. I'm not really one for entertaining, I find it very tiresome. \:o \:P So you have the new EP...well I finally got mine as well but I haven't really had a good chance to play it. Had a quick look through Twinbrook and it's so different from the other two towns. A bit bland I thought. But I think it will be good for stories with the fog rolling in, a few of the scary bridges too. lol Thanks for those yummy cookies...mmmm! I will leave you with something sweet....some freshly made raspberyy licorice! \;\) I hope you like licorice. lol  I have posted the third part of Will & Eliza's Honeymoon Collection on my blog, but whenever you have time, I'd love you stop by. No pressure! Here is the link:  Hope your having a good week & TC. ~ Jen \:wub\:

martoeleJun 28, 2010

Dear (((Jeanie))), if you just knew how pleased I am that you started to read my story! It really makes my day. \:wub\:  While you're waiting for me to finish part VII, you could read 2 chapter of TLC (Tender Loving Care). These two stories will eventually touch! Hugs ~ Margo

fredbrennyJun 28, 2010

:eek\:oh my ...dear (((Jeanie))) I read about your horrible rat adventure!!!! That must've been soooo GROSS!  \:eek\: I can imagine you wanting to totally desinfect the house after this horrid experience! Here... I brought you the best Latte and some warm Dutch Appeltaart, mit sahne (sweetened). And a big hug! We have mice... I don't really mind mice, but rats...different story... \:cool\:You've got a BRAVE dog!

kateknightukJun 28, 2010

Good morning (((Jeanie))) My boys would like to say thank you very much for the catnip mice, they have been having much fun with them this weekend. Sounds like you have had a very busy June, please pass my congratulations to your son for graduatin \:rah\:! And sorry to hear about the basement - that musy have been a nightmare! Our cats have been innoculated against FIV and have been microchopped, but we live just off of a very busy rouad, so personally I think it's unfar to let them out, they have never really shown any interest in actually stepping foot outside the front door, Franco made it once, but he froze on the front step and jumped straight back inside - he is such a funny boy. We bought some extensions to our cat tree last week, so it is now about 5" high, the boys won't leave it alone, I think it's also a lot cooler down in the kitchen, they really don't like the heat, a bit like me really. We bought a portable air conditioner about 3 yrs ago and I couldn't manage in this heat without it. i'm glad Rascal seems to be settling in in his new home with your daughter, my mother in law has 16 kittens in all at the mo, with another litter due any day, Gracie looks like she has swallowed a football bless her. Well, I shall leave you with some yummy flapjack to nibble on, some catnip drops for your cats and of course some chew sticks for the woofers! Take care nad I hope that you are enjoying ambitions, I know I am! Love and hugs to all, Kate \:wub\:

martoeleJun 28, 2010

Good morning (((Jeanie))). Poor, poor Jeanie.... I can feel your disgust! \:wacko\:  I think I've told you once that the house where I was born did have many rats in the basement and they used to come out during the night. Untill 15 years old, I've slept with my head underneath the blankets... horrible. My mother always put traps and everyday she went with a rattrap with 2 or 3 of them to the canal next to our street to drown them. The neighbors called her 'the rapcaptor'. She once killed one with her hands! \:rolleyes: She went to see my babysister who was in the cradle and then she saw one of them in the cradle as well. She tried to take it out but then the rat jumped on my mother right to her throath, so she pushed it down and between her thighs and her hands she killed the animal. She herself was afraid of them but she was more afraid of the disease rat can cause to people. She didn't have much of a choise if she wanted to protect her children. Couldn't expect any help from official instances; it was all a terrible mess. Just think that it was in 1948, that horrible time in Europe. So.... yes, I feel your disgust! I also can understand you when you talk about your husband's mania. If you're not careful, it will become worse. Here, at my home it's already so that he takes me with HIM to do the weekly shopping and... I just walk beside him and see how he knows exactly where he can find the groceries. It is really incredible. You don't know your husband until he turns into a houseman. I remember that my husband always was speaking about his fathers manias but now he is the same as his father. It gets worse with the time passing by. Anyway, I'm fond of him and wouldn't change him for nobody else! \:wub\:  Well, dear Jeanie; it was nice to share this cup of coffee with you and we will continue our little chat another moment. Many hugs and cheer up ~ Margo  

IllandryaJun 27, 2010

Hi Jeanie! I hope you enjoy playing Ambitions - it did arrive at an inopportune time, did it not? For most of my sims I prefer to use the line rather than the dryer as that is how I do my own laundry. Oh, how I wish we had a 30 degree day today, I do miss my summer \:\)

flody888Jun 27, 2010

Have fun at the park!!! \:D And I hope your computer doesn't crash!!! I'm hoping mine doesn't either when I install Ambitions later in July. \:eek\: I don't have anything yummy to share...oh! how about some popcorn! With butter! \:D Have a lovely time at the park! \:\)

martoeleJun 27, 2010

Good morning (((Jeanie))). Thank you for the lovely Latte Macchiato \:wub\: Yes, I have missed you but I suppose that I suspected that you don't have as much time as before due to your retired husband. I know how these things are... \:confused\: But now I read that it wasn't only him but as well your children. Oh great.... to have them together but... a lot of work! Then the gardenparty...! LOL... your husband cutting the grass with nail scissors \:D . Yes I understand that you had a lot of work with the basement but once it's ready you feel very good about it. You know.... I always have to throw things away behind my husbands' back. Things that have not been used for over 10 or 15 years. Things that are so 'out of range' that nobody wants to have them. When it's something that draws the attention, he's very angry and he doesn't speak to me during 3 or 4 hours but I think it's worth while. So when I really start cleaning up, he already sighs in dispare!!! I told him last year not to accept any gift of a newspapers because, since he is at home, he organizes the kitchen so we had for complete and unused cooking sets... and plates... and cutlery. I don't even speak about other kitchen tools. I made him give it all away and now he just doesn't gather the point of these 'offers'. I had to pretend being angry, telling him that I want to save our children those bad moments to clean everything up after we pass away. (We still have a long time ahead but it made him think). And now, little by little, I try to rearrange other things and throws away other 'useful things' that we never use. \:\) So at last you had to fix the gardenparty for september. I hope I'll remember that I have to send you a whole box of canned sunshine! How are the kittens doing? I suppose that you've distributed them all amongst family and friends? \:wub\: Now my dear friend, I'm going to finish this mail and try to write something today to continue my actual story. Have another can of sunshine and lots of hugs. ~ Margo \:\)  

flody888Jun 26, 2010

Hi! I'm so glad all of your kittens are staying in the family. \:\) It'll be quite a handful still! \:eek\: But everytime Mr. Big purrs in your lap will probably make it all worth while. \;\) I'm sorry it was so busy for you the last month. \:\( But happy now that you have time to have fun! \:\) Have a glorious weekend! \:\)

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