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simsjeanie's Guestbook

IllandryaMay 17, 2010

Hi Jeanie! Thanks for your wonderful comment on Veronika, I am so glad you enjoyed it! I had a lot of fun with their makeovers and writing this chapter - I have a good feeling about it and I think everyone will enjoy where I plan on taking it. I will try not to keep you waiting too long for the next chapter \:\)

caridinaMay 17, 2010

Hi Jeanie! Thanks for all your sweet comments. No it is not a calender on the side of the nectar macine. But it had been cool if it was. Yes you can catch the butterflies and let them free again. But you don't se them when you let them go. You can donate them to the science center to. That's what Molly often do. I think you gonna have very, very funny funny when Penelope starts to explore graves. Molly have not meet Tessa... yet. But I'm thinking of let them do that. Many hugs from Sonja \:wub\:

PralinesimsMay 17, 2010

Halli,hallo\:D nee eigentlich nicht jetzt wo ich überlege stelle ich fest ich habe noch nie ein Haus in China,oder Ägypten Frankreich schon aber mein spiel lief dann so unglaublich lahm ich musste es abreißen weil es mir auf die Nerven ging\:\) aber ich denke mal das liegt an meinen vollgestopften Downloadordner\:D Danke für die leckeren Erdbeeren\:D die waren sehr schmackhaft\:D Ich wünsche dir noch viel spaß beim AUSWANDERN\:\) Habe noch eine wunderschöne Woche und viel Gesundheit für dich und deine Lieben\:\) Bis bald,tschüssiee *  *Dickeumarmung**    

fredbrennyMay 17, 2010

I just LOVE Asparagus...One of my favourites. The Riesling will go very nice with that. Still enjoying my Champagne I had at Jennifer's screenshot..LOL \:D

flody888May 17, 2010

\:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: (I pressed 'write' before I put in my smileyfaces)

flody888May 17, 2010

Oh, I like the way you think! The vet thinks my cats are too fat. \:o I think they're happy. \:D And I'm so glad other cats love going under the newspapers too. My other cats only liked to sit on the newspapers while I was reading them. lol I've already kissed the cat and blew on her warm belly for ya. \;\) Give your puppy some good face rubs from me. \:\) Have a super day!

fredbrennyMay 17, 2010

Dearest (((Jeanie))) So you went to bed too late? \:eek\: I won't tell yopu what time I went to bed on Saturday. Still paying the prize with tense strange pressure feelingsin my head and a slight anxiety problem....I really DO have to take care of this aging body better \:D But I thank you for bringing me the hot chocolate last night... I went to bed on time, but hubbie woke me up a couple times snoring. I should get my own bedroom. Who in the world ever invented for married people to sleep in the same bed? \:D \:D hahaha Thanks also for commenting on all my screen shots. About that kitchen in my Egyptian screenie, you didn't miss it I think, it is not from TSR, but from Vita Sims Some of the stuff there is really cool! My game is crashing again. Might be some of the new hairs I downloaded from Peggy Sims, I am going to take those out tonight. I was playing with Azra (and still am) where she fell madly in love with a Chinese NPC. She marrioed him, became pregnant (while still in China) and they went hme. So far so good.... Now I went into deit town to buy them a bigger house, since the baby was about to arrive and the tree house really wasn't big enough for that.... Guess what... then and there my game crashed. This happened Saturday night. Had to start over in China BEFORE she even met Chen Wang Liang. And guess what else...She is not able to find him ANYWHERE, as if he never existed. She lost her love, her man and her baby. (She cannot recollect anything though...thank goodness) I still have the screenshots...LOL...That's all there's left and her search goes on, maybe one of these visits The game will spawn a new Chen Wang Liang... It might be a cool story too...LOL...Who knows? I might do a story about that, with one of the screens being my desktop and the capture...WHAT THE ... HUH?....OH NO!!! Hope your weekend was a nice one with your visitors! Thanks also for the left over cake from your birthday! Love ya!!!! Hugggs, Fred

flody888May 17, 2010

Oh, your doggie sounds so cute! \:wub\: I have a cat that likes to crawl under the newspapers. But I think it's b/c when she was a stray kitten, the newspapers were like shelters or playhouses for her. It's sort of sad but ingenious of her too to find a toy like that. She's so spoiled and fat now though. \:D But still the sweetest of any cat I had. Oh, thanks for the gardening talk. You never know, lots of people don't have the omni-plant yet (I think that's on someone's poll results). Enjoy your coffee and the upcoming week! Thanks for stopping by. \:\)

Darkking1May 17, 2010

Hey, danke für deinen netten eintrag \:\) Gut mal hier jemand deutsches zu Treffen =D. Ja suchtgefahr besteht hier echt =D Aber werden auch tolle Möbel hier hergestellt \:\) Aber viele davon funktionieren leider nicht \:\( Aber macht nix =D. Hab da mal gleich auch ne Frage, weil ich zu faul bin es selber herauszufinden =D Ähm kann man auch unter anderen Bedingungen Subscriber werden, ohne dass man bezahlen muss? Liebe Grüße Darian

caridinaMay 17, 2010

Hi Jeanie! Penelope can have a lovley garden in China and it workes like the one at home when she isn't there. Every plant just stoppes growing til she is back there again. I must take a look at those windows again, don't remeber if I have them. They are really nice. You know you can have more than one house in the countries? When Penelope arriwes you can choose witch one she is gonna stay in for that trip. So if she is gonna explore graves she mabe wanna live behind the market and when it's just vacation she lives in that cute house near the waterfalles. Many hugs from Sonja \:wub\:

IllandryaMay 17, 2010

Oh, before I forget, I just thought you might like to know that I have published the first chapter of a new Veronika Storm story on my blog and would love to hear what you think!

IllandryaMay 17, 2010

Hi Jeanie! Thank you for the food, it was lovely. I know what you mean about cooking too much, I ALWAYS cook too much *lol* this is why I have a VERY big freezer. Thank you also for your compliment on my homes. I'm flattered! I wish I had more time to build, but with work and study and storytelling, something had to go and unfortunately it was my sim homes \:\( Not that I've completely stopped, as I have to build for my stories, but I just don't have time to build and share. I'm really looking forward to the new expansion pack, I'm sure there will be a lot of little extra interactions and items (like laundry!) that I can incorporate into my stories - although I'm hoping also to find some time to actually play the game for fun as well \:D It is hard to believe that Monday for me is almost over already, so I need to get a move on - enjoy your week!

IllandryaMay 16, 2010

Hi Jeanie! Just thought I would pop by and say "hello, how are you?" I hope you are enjoying your weekend \:D It's a miserable Sunday morning here today, winter is just around the corner and you can feel it in the air. I thought as a nice little antidote I would stay snuggled up in bed with my computer and a cup of tea and say hello to everyone instead \:wub\:

Jennifer_RMay 15, 2010

Hi Jeanie, it seems I missed a comment you left on my blog 'The simple things'. Aww...thank you so much, I really appreciate your kind, caring words. \:wub\: We still have our lovely 'Shorty' with us. She is quite old now but she has a strong heart and loves life so I think we will have a few more years with her yet. Hope your having a great weekend! \:\)

fredbrennyMay 14, 2010

Here you are, steaming hot coffee. I should also be working on my Venice Photobook. I make these really cool albums (on line) You can order a book with your pictures which you can arrange and edit at home. I do that every year, because we go City Trippin' with this group of friends (2 volleyball team members (Herman, Martin and Wouter and their wifes, Me, Petra and Sonja) First time in 2006 we went to Barcelona, then Lissabon, then Rome then Venice and in July we are going to Berlin. This time we are taking the train instead of the plane. We leave on Thursdays and return on Sundays. In this case it doesn't "cost" me any free days, since I am always off on Thursdays and Fridays...except for today \:\( Well If you have time come by and visit me in my Guestbook! Love to talk to you! Many HUGGGGS and Kisses from Freddie \:wub\: \:wub\:

fredbrennyMay 14, 2010

Good Morning my dear (((friend))). It is a strange thing for me, having to work on a Friday. But since I was still not really "here" last Monday due to the jet lag, I swopped days with my co-worker. I work her Friday now and she worked my Monday \:D, How have you been? I read your quite busy...well good! I already pre-ordered the next expansion pack! I am just playing the game now (and enter a little house building competition here and there on the forums - \:D) I will have to get to work on the meshmaking and create some furniture next. Keeping low profile at the moment because I think I might need my brother the wiz kid to help me with that. * YAWWWNNN* I think I really need my beauty sleep, because I went to bed too late last night and I feel like a tractor drove over me...I am getting some coffee, I will get you some too, so I will be right back. \:D

Jennifer_RMay 13, 2010

Hi again, I just bookmarked you...should have done that long ago. Happy kudo's for today! lol Did you know that you can make a banner at, just a thought. Not sure whether you have bought the profile banner from the kudo's shop or not. (Topaz27 told me about the website) \:wub\:

Jennifer_RMay 13, 2010

Hi Jeanie, glad you enjoyed them! hahaha. And no stress on getting to read my story. Have a great day! ~ Jen

flody888May 12, 2010

lol! I didn't see your second comment! Oh I'm obsessed with gardening in my games! I have omni-plants in almost every family but I usually grow deathfish and expensive books to make money. I want to grow duckplants b/c they're so cute in a garden but I'm too busy making simoleans! lol! Thanks for the encouragement though. \:D Again, have a wonderful week! And say hi to your doggie for me. \:\)

flody888May 12, 2010

Hi simsjeanie! btw, I've always loved your doggie looking out from under his blankie. \:\) Thanks for all the comments on my screenies! Everyone is such a romantic, btw. They want Charlie and his girlfriend to stay together! lol! I love djehml too btw! Especially his/her textured theme from march or april (I forget) -- so wonderful on clothes and walls without looking dilapidated or photoshoppy sharp. Your Penelope might like Parlour Nutmeg or Ladies In Waiting which are classy patterns by mom2 (I forget the rest). The one with the beaded pearls is my fave go to for easy classiness (b/c I'm hopeless at building/decorating). I didn't know about the packages trouble thing...I've only really had trouble since the last update...but before that, I suspected it was b/c I had such a huge legacy and imported lots from deleted worlds...I don't know. I hope the next patch fixes things. I really can't imagine being with only ONE package! Even if it was a really great Ford. \:D Have a beautiful week!!! \:\)

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