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simsjeanie's Guestbook

EleCrisAug 30, 2011

Hello Jeanie!\:\) Thank you so much for your beautiful comment on my screenshot.Have a great week!\:wub\:  

fredbrennyAug 29, 2011

Genevieve Marceau's hair is a free download (.package) from Peggy: I thought it was Newsea's... but no... I had to download it on my desktop too... Just in case you are wondering where that hair went \:\)  

spitzmagicAug 29, 2011

(((((Jeanie))))) I'm happy that you got your little package from Texas \:wub\: I was a little bit worried about it. But it made it safe and sound. Wishing you a wonderful week \:wub\: (((BIG HUGS))) \:wub\:

FlovvAug 28, 2011

Danke schön so sehr für deine ermutigend Komment! \:\) Ich bin so froh ich konnte etwas kreieren, die jemands Haltung ändern kann! Hab' eine wunderschöne und kreative nächste Woche! \:\)\:wub\:

fredbrennyAug 28, 2011

(((Jeanie)))) my dear!  \:wub\:  Thanks for the comment on Transformation day! Hahaha... I hope I have the next chapter ready on October 22nd \:D \:D Something tells me it will be a little bit later. I need to write to the sleep tight until you ride facility first! \:D I had a wonderful time! Thanks soooooooooo MUCH!!!!

martoeleAug 28, 2011

Hi dear (((Jeanie)))! Thank you very much for the nice comments you left at my screenshots. It really is a very nice place \:wub\: There are many mysterious hidden places there. I'm sure you would like it as well. You know.... even the rabbit holes are much prettier and give the idea that they really go inside a place with many people.... Big hug ~ Margo. \:D

spitzmagicAug 28, 2011

(((Jeanie)))) \:wub\: thank you so much for commenting on my screens of Hidden Springs. It's just a really pretty place some neat sims there too. Have an awesome Sunday

LilyOfTheValleyAug 28, 2011

Hi Jeanie \;\) Sorry for this late reply. Thank you for your sweet comments on the dining chair and hydrangeas in my sqaure table dining set. I'm so happy to know that your sims are enjoy this chair and the flowers so much. Please tell them I really appreciate their love for my furnitures. \:wub\:

Fred&BarbAug 22, 2011

Hi dear Jeanie \:wub\: We are happy you checked out the latest Fred&Barb screenshot! The sisters are busy working on a new story. (as you know) So somewhere soon in a theater near you! \:P Thanks for the comments!!! See you Thursday \:D  (Freddie)

Milii454Aug 20, 2011

Hey simsjeanie! Thanks for your comment on my screenshot "I may be old, but I can kick you bum!". I was a coward with mummies too, I used to teleport them out asap! But my sim Alucard was a black belt half vampire, a bit scarier than a mummy in my opinion \:D ! Thanks again, and have an amazing day!

zul_94Aug 19, 2011

Hi Jeanie! \:\) Thanks for the comment you left on my screenie "Room full of..."! I really appreciate it! And well, to answer to your question, yes, my Sim did earn himself a moodlet which gave him a +25 Mood Point . \:D Ahh what we would do for our dear Simmies! \;\) Well, have a nice weekend though! \:\)

tylervivierAug 19, 2011

Stunning screenshots

SepiaeyesAug 18, 2011

Hello and thanks for the comment on my screenshot, also vampire toddlers do bite their teddy's neck.

flody888Aug 18, 2011

Thank you for pointing out those windows. Most times I really don't see much of a difference between a lot of creations because I don't have a discerning eye for details. However, they looked lovely in your home so I will have to check those out! Have a lovely week! \:\)

spladoumAug 17, 2011

You're right, Jeanie! Sometimes there really isn't anyone to blame, it just is what it is. And thank you for the sweet comments on my screenshots as well! I have a cup of spicy dark chocolate cocoa for you to enjoy at leisure! \:wub\:

francienAug 17, 2011

Hi sweetie, I'm sorry to read you have trouble with accessing the site and to hear that you have a lot of work at home with the broken drainpipe, I really hope it will be repaired soon I can image how many work it give with all the dirt and things wich are stored there, I have such a attick\:ofilled with stuff whe never look at but don't want to throw away..some day I have to start to try to do that because the memory's they bring are in your head. I give you a warm piece of applepie homemade with raisins and rum with a cup of expresso maybe it bring some relaxing time when you enjoy them! \:\) would be nice when it was a real piece but ala the thought on thinking on someone brings also a warm feeling! \:wub\:About my houses, \:\) I hope you enjoy them when you have time, looking in each room of it and explorer the garden image you are standing there instead of your simmies, would be great when you could pop in..well I do that often in my mind and forget the time to clean or cook\:P Dear Jeanie I hope you are out of dirt soon that the sun will shine and you can enjoy your garden..when it's raining I hope you can explorer one of my houses and have fun with it. Big hugs Francien \:wub\:

Audrey MayAug 17, 2011

My "avatar" (also known as Droopy) thanks you for the stick to chew on! \:\)

NinjyAug 17, 2011

hey jeanie, yup this house needs a vespa \;\) i just love it , always use the colour code 07077 for it ♥♥♥ i wish you a good night, bye ninjy ♥

AnnieBooAug 16, 2011

♥   Thank you so much for your comment on my screenie  ♥

RirannAug 16, 2011

Hello Jeanie! Thank you very much for liking my screenshots and leaving such a wonderful comment! \:wub\: Have a beautiful day!

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