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Created for: The Sims 3
This upload worn by my sim self is out of character for me as it is not for males and it is not a base game item but I believe it will be useful to some.
The credit for this creation is entirely EA's. I've uploaded it because anyone who has purchased 'Outdoor Living Stuff' and has seen this outfit under 'Everyday' only might have wondered the same thing I did: Why is an outfit that is clearly meant for the pool side not available under 'Swimwear'? Well, it is now. :D
Sizes: Young Adult, Adult
Catagory: Swimwear (You won't need this under 'Everyday' since Electronic Arts has this outfit available there already).
Expansion Pack Required: Outdoor Living Stuff
Short URL:
ItemID: 1078445
Filesize: 359 KB
Credits: EA, TSR Workshop
- Type : Outfits
- Style : Swimwear
- Age : Young Adult, Adult
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