xxMazzy (2733561)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (26 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

David & Goliath: Girl Boxers...
Published Oct 14, 2009
About Me
Hey guys, I have moved! NEW ACCOUNT: http://www.thesimsresource.com/members/Mazzy_Massacre/
My Latest Updates Show All
New AccountWritten May 09, 2010
Hey guys, I've moved. NEW ACCOUNT: l'amore From now on, I will be uploading all my custom content there and will not be using this account anymore. If you want to favorite me, sign my guestbook, then please do so over there... http://www.thesimsresource.com/members/lamore Thanks, Marianne x ...More
I'm Going Crazy!!!!Written Oct 10, 2009
Right now, I'm going mad for accesories, and so I felt that my sims had to have some too. There are some amazing things available, but I couldn't find exactly what I wanted. Hopefully soon I'll upload A LOT of glasses, scarves, jewellry etc. ...More
David & Goliath CollectionWritten Sep 15, 2009
Some of you may have noticed that I have started a collection of Sims 2 clothing inspired by David & Goliath Tees. (See www.davidandgoliathtees.com ) One everyday outfit is published, 2 more have been approved and another 2 are pending. I hope by tommorow a few of them will be published, and that the ones pending will be approved. If you would like to request a David and Goliath... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
charrayJan 07, 2010
Nice work on your creations Thanks so much for sharing them
ILikeMusic640Sep 19, 2009
Hey, thanks so much for your nice entry in my guestbook! I really
appreciate the great feedback. Have an awesome weekend! Claire