Member Blogs
Sorry for the delays!
My job has me gone 2 weeks and home one week, pretty much on a cycle, so I dont play as much as I'd like, but I do owe y'all a new sim here sometime soon!
Couple my schedule with the fact my Razer KB is borked (going to get a new one tomorrow), its slowing me down. I have a sim in the chamber I'm working on. Again, trying for quality over quantity (and looking at the last time I posted one, definitely not cranking them out.. lol)
Stick with me...I'll deliver.. I promise :)
Behind Schedule
Yesterday's patch threw my mods and cc into disarray. I think I've got the mods sorted, now I'm working through the cc. Figured it was a good opportunity to clean things up a little bit. Anyhoo, it means I've not been working on any new rooms. This is the good thing about knowing me yet, I can take me time and no one will complain.
To add insult to injury I've been quite sick. Feeling a little better now. I promise I will get back to making pretty and functional rooms ASAP.
Stay slinky & happy Simming ☺
Back again
I'm back! I'll be uploading new stuff soon! I decided to give another opportunity to TS4, but then, for some reason, the Gallery stopped working, even though it's supposedly fixed by EA, not working to me, so I'm reinstalling it, too see if it works. I kinda forgot about the game, I like that some things area really realistic, but i really miss stuff like the Sims 3 (Adventures, opportunities, caves, underworlds, tombs adventures, etc). But I plan to give another opportunity to the game anyway, lol. I saw there is an EP where there are llamas, I think I need it xDDDDD.
a huge shoutout! ❤️❤️❤️
a huge shoutout and biggg thanks! for all the lot artists!!
i tried making my own house in the game.. it took me hours hahaha but still i can't make a perfect house haha. It wasn't easy!!! So i decided to binge download alot of houses here hahaha so kudos to all lot artists! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
you guys rock! you are all lifesavers! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ thank you thank you thank you! I'm a big fan of all lot artists!
Infants Nursery
Hello simmers!
We are so happy and honored to share with you all that thanks to the generosity and kind support of our patron Juliet , we now have the 'Growing together' EP 💙🥳💙 She sent to us the EP as gift and this means that thanks to her, we will be able to share with you all some functional Infant items matching with our past kids sets.
Some of our past kids sets (Candy Covered, Cotton Whisper, Donuts and more to come) are already available to our Patrons as early access.
In June month, we will be bringing 3 new sets exclusively here at TSR. The first one is Nature Kids and it's already uploaded.
Naturalis is being made as we speak and it will be released next month as well so, stay tuned for more 👶
Hope you enjoy! Have a wonderful day and a happy simming time!
Bridgerton Regency Antiques, May 30th
Hi y'all,
It's a collection of British Regency antiques inspired by the Netflix series, Bridgerton. The Sims 3 set is scheduled for publication on May 30, 2023, and it includes the following 8 new objects: an armchair with scrolled arms, a popular style during the Regency era. A pedestal bowl, that's re-colorable and a silver basket, both can be used with the separate fruit object. The fruit, tea caddy, tall vase for floor placement, a bough pot vase, and a 2-tile console table with lots of slots (3-slots have identical xyz coordinates, so that you can use the fruit with the bowls in these slots.)
A British Regency Antiques collection folder is available for download at MediaFire,
Special note: to use the optional fruit with either the pedestal bowl or the silver basket requires a surface that contains 2 slots with identical xyz coordinates for placement of objects, both the console table and the oval nightstand (from my previous set, Daphne's British Regency, Part III, ItemID: 1642428) have this feature. You can also use the pedestal bowl and silver basket without the fruit.
I hope your Regency Sims enjoy these additional decorative and functional objects.
Happy Simming,
Carolyn aka, Cashcraft
Starting a family
Well this time I chose a "Hopefield" family home created by xogerardine. Which I modified to my liking, although
more sober this time. The axis of the decoration was marked by the living room, I always maintain my characteristic
mix of styles, bohemian touch and of course very chic.
Also, because of my sim's profession, I added the "Loft - office room" created by Danuta720.
You can find both here on The Sims Resource. Hope you like! Greetings!
Hello hello!
This post is dedicated to apologizing for the latest misunderstandings.
So that you know that it was only a lack of knowledge of the language (my language is Spanish) and of specific rules.
Luckily, the portal has an excellent team and we have been able to clear it up.
Very happy to be back, I haven't figured it out but I think I've been here for a couple of long years.
Anyway... I apologize again and.. let's get to the nice stuff!
Updated cribs and changing tables for the 1.96 patch
I made new cribs and changing tables for infants for my previously released nursery (Evelina, Heart, Stephanie, Lily, Victoria, Jenny, Laura). They can be downloaded here -
The Royal crib has been changed in the old set to the new version (
Decorative crins will remain for babies using the Invisible crib mod.
Functional changing tables for Victoria, Jenny, Laura and Stephanie sets here -
High chairs do not require updating, they work fine with both toddlers and infants.
good cc Artists
Hello here are some cc Sims 4 Artists i would love to recomend
1.] NightCrawler_Sims if you are looking for adult mainly womman cc and sum male cc i would totily recomend them thay are a alpha cc corater in hair just hair but it is so butifal it can litraly change your game play but i do not think thay are makeing new cc thay havent posted in 3 years but thay have pages of work it is probilly my fav cc corate i have found yet defenly cheak theam out.
2.] DanSimsFanitisy i am so sorry if i spelt that wrong but thay are who i go to for my mearmaid cc but i have notesed thay have a new fairy stuff wich looks so pritty also i have had a little eye out and realised some colse have a look see if its your style.
3.] if you are looking for todler clothes totily recomend lillka some really cute toddler clothes and a little bit of kids clothes so goingb on todler shoping spree cheak there gallery out.
tell me if you would like me two tell you more amazing cc places.
Something I've realized...
When making Alpha sims for download, I've noted that certain types are favored more than others. I guess it's a habit a creator can have; tracking his downloads to see what works and what doesn't. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I've realized my effort to provide sims that I hope are downloaded frequently, I've lost what made this fun from the start....making a sim because its *fun* and exciting :)
I realized I shouldn't worry so much about "whats popular" and instead focus on what I feel is attractive to me, and then release it to all of you. If some don't feel the same, its ok..and if some love it, that's ok too :)
Its hard in this society these days to not be caught up in numbers, and it can make you lose sight of what is truly important.
For me, its releasing a sim that I personally found to be gorgeous, so everyone can have the chance to have that sim too. To heck with download numbers.... :)
I just want to share what I think is attractive, and hope you find it to be the same!
Daphne's British Regency Part III is scheduled for publication, Feb. 25, 2023
Hello everyone,
Daphne's British Regency Part III is scheduled for publication on Feb. 25th, 2023. Your Regency loving Sims will hopefully love the additional pieces, which includes a pillow for the bench, blue vase, decorative box, oval nightstand (endtable), re-colorable porcelain vase, dressing screen (cloned from a dresser), console table, decorative wall panel, and a yellow alabaster box.
A Daphne's British Regency collection folder is available for download at,
Happy Simming,
Cashcraft, a.k.a., Carolyn
Daphne's British Regency Part II is scheduled for publication, Feb 23, 2023
Daphne's British Regency Part II is scheduled for publication on Feb. 23, 2023. The Sims 3 set includes additional new objects for the game, which are a tulip embroidery with hoop, hosta plant, washstand (cloned from an end table), a decorative bowl, a decorative pitcher, tall lingerie chest (end table), wall lighting, two oval wall mirror and the 2nd variant is re-colorable, and a pink alabaster decorative box. Stay tune for Part III, later this week. Enjoy!
P.S., A Daphne's British Regency collection folder is available for download at,
Happy Simming,
Daphne's British Regency Part I is scheduled for publication, Feb 21, 2023
Hello and happy belated Valentine's Day!
A new Sims 3 set is scheduled for publication on Feb. 21, 2023. Daphne's British Regency Part I, is inspired by the Netflix series Bridgerton. The Sims 3 set features elegant and luxurious furniture from a bygone era. The British Regency collection Part I includes 8 new meshes, which are a double bed, a matching canopy, a bench (cloned from a loveseat) for the foot of the bed, a group of pillows for the bed, a nightstand (end table), throw for the bed, and an alabaster decorative box (clutter). Part II and Part III of the set will be available soon--probably later this week.
At this point in time, the entire set includes a total of 24 new meshes plus 3 color variants. A collection folder is available for download at MediaFire,
Enjoy and happy simmings!
Cashcraft a.k.a., Carolyn
New update 2023
I'm a bit lost, lol. But my PC was working really bad, and almost couldn't play Sims, neither do new CC.
On January 2023 definitely died, and sadly, I lost some things (including some Sims 3 folders), luckily I made backups of another folders like the one were i have all the stuff I create, but not the sims models :(. The good thing is that I bought a brand new PC, with better graphic card and processor, this inspires me to open the game, and, surely, I'll be back to CC creation. I'd love to.
Hearts, Holly and Home Sims 3 Set Part II, December 31, 2022
Hello everyone and Happy Holidays!
I've submitted a new Sims 3 set, Hearts, Holly, and Home Part II, it's scheduled for publication on December 31, 2022. The set includes an additional 10 new objects for your Sims holiday decorating needs, which are a trio of mini decorative Christmas trees, a holly and berries cookie jar, mini decorative house, two variants of place settings, a holiday mailbox (cloned from an end table), joy wall art, peace wall art, tree farm with truck wall art, and a shelf with stockings (cloned from a desk with slots for additional decorative clutter). Enjoy!
P.S., An updated Hearts, Holly and Home collection folder is available for download at MediaFire,
Wishing you a Joyful, Blessed, and Happy New Year!
Carolyn a.k.a, Cashcraft
Hearts, Holly and Home Sims 3 Set, December 25th
Happy Holidays!
The Sims 3 set, Hearts, Holly and Home celebrates the holiday seasons and is scheduled for publication on December 25, 2022. The set will take your Sims from Christmas to Valentine's Day. Part I includes 10 new objects, which are a bench (cloned from a loveseat), buffet for the dining room, a centerpiece (lighting), a dining chair with a slot for a decorative wreath, a long dining table, a small round dining table, a decorative, heart-shape pillow, wall shelves, storage box with a pillow, and a small decorative, wreath for the dining chair. Part II will be available soon after and it includes additional items for your holiday home decorating needs. I hope you enjoy the set and the upcoming holiday season, 'Tis a Farmhouse Holiday!
A Hearts, Holly and Home collection folder is available for download at MediaFire,
Happy Holidays,
Carolyn a.k.a., Cashcraft
From the bottom of my heart I wish you all peaceful holidays and a healthy, happy and prosperous 2023.
Thanks again to everyone who has supported me again this year with such lovely comments.
It makes me very happy to be a part of this community and I hope to share this joy with you for a long time.
With this in mind, feel warmly embraced.
Your Matomibotaki
Tiny House - lovely chic small space
I'm back!
I have remodeled and redecorated a small house from Mulena Sims.
It would be ideal if the sewing machine worked. At the moment, the character
in this home is pursuing a tailoring career, which I got through "midnitetech".
many combined styles! what would you call it?
I hope you like it :) Greetings!
End of year wishes...
Hello friends!! So...the post title..what does it mean? Well, if I could go back and remove certain sims from my portfolio, I would. I feel like there have been some that I put out there because I felt a need to "stay on pace"; release a sim at the minimum of one a month. However, that didn't always lead to quality sims.
This last one, for example...I like her, but I'm not in love with her. One thing about me, I'm going to be 100% upfront / real when it comes to these things. I put a personal pressure on myself to deliver at least one sim a month. My new job keeps me travelling a lot, so that only adds to it.
What I need to keep in mind is that it's not so much about releases, but about the quality of those releases. You all deserve better.
I track my stats, not to compare to others, but to see commonalities that are popular between sims. What does the public like? How can I deliver on that, and still release a sim that isnt just a combination of "liked features"...but rather a sim you want to download because it could fit a story or narrative you have in mind? *THAT* is what I'm striving for.
Again, I love your input...tell me what you like to see, not see, etc....I take it all seriously!
Until next time, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa!
I have requested the all baby cc I have created that has not been updated be deleted so that you won't download cc that no longer works. However I did update some awhile back and they still work. Thank you for your kind words and support in downloading my baby cc.
Jo. S
Good! new delivery
Good good .. Returning to the game for a while... this time I reformed the Lar del Arroyo
site in Glimmerbrook.
Nothing better than eating popcorn and watching a good movie on a cold day.
The heart of the house ♥
I also love this micro space near the fire, it works very well :)
I got a couple of male friends! Very funny...
And I was on vacation in Tartosa, I will have to modify the world to see if
I can stay with a local from the center. I love walking around.
I had to get another lot for a simple business.. after working hours for a
long time in a formal job hahaha
Well, the holidays are approaching, it is a celebration that I never leave
aside even if it is in a simple way. This time with friends!
In case I don't publish again before the date,
have a loving and beautiful holiday everyone ♥ Cheers!
Hi there! Some packages has been fixed, update notes is written in the description, please replace the old files, thank you ♥♥♥♥
It's Halloween 2022 is scheduled for publication Oct. 20, 2022
Hi y'all,
Fall is my favorite season, multi-colored leaves, cool nights, and HALLOWEEN!!! This Sims 3 set features 8 new meshes, which are a fireplace with lots of slots, a hanging bats decoration, head in a jar, jack-o-lantern, magic broom (just joking), vampire moon wall art, a pair of skinny witch legs, and finally a witches' spell book. I really enjoyed creating this set, it reminds me of my favorite type of horror movie, lots of scares with a touch of humor. The set is set for publication on October 20, 2022. BOO!
P.S. A Halloween 2022 collection folder is available for download at MediaFire,
Take care and happy simming,
Carolyn aka Cashcraft
Thank you so much
I just needed to get this out here, I'm so beyond grateful to the people who have downloaded my Estilo Side Unit I was so unsure of its worth so for it to already nearrly have 100 downloads I'm beyond anything I can even word I'm literally sitting here with tears because you guys are just beyond incredible.
Doing that item took a hell of allot of trial and Error mostly Error, So thank you from me to you thank you so much.
🍄Halloween decorations-My recolours🍄
Yesterday I decided to upload at Instagram some of my Halloween recolours which I have at tsr. To my surprise they were a lot more than what I had in mind. Basically I am a lot FA but I enjoy creating rugs ( my favorites) and paintings and whatever I think it will makes me feel good. I never thought that my Halloween recolours can be so many especially when in my country do not celebrate halloween .
and more
and many many more!!
6,000,000 downloads, that's so awesome! Thank you! Glad that my creations you like!
Quantity over quality
Something I struggle with a lot....and I think I have a handle on now. In making Sims, at first I felt like I needed to "catch up" in downloadable content..but as time has gone on, I've realized its not about the numbers, but about the quality of the product I'm trying to provide to all TSR patrons.
If there could be a day where all content creators get to go back and remove certain subs, I def have a few...not so much because the download numbers are bad, but the in I rushed the sim..didnt put my best effort into it. If anything, the numbers are the silent critics that let me know just that.
So, rest assured my uploads may not be as frequent, but when I do upload, I want to be sure its a quality sim you'd be proud to have :)
3 Jan 2020 - 1,000,000+ downloads
15 Apr 2020 - 2,000,000+ downloads
6 Jul 2020 - 3,000,000+ downloads
13 Oct 2020 - 4,000,000+ downloads
14 Jan 2021 - 5,000,000+ downloads
16 Apr 2021 - 6,000,000+ downloads
5 Jul 2021 - 7,000,000+ downloads
19 Sep 2021 - 8,000,000+ downloads
18 Dec 2021 - 9,000,000+ downloads
3 Mar 2022 - 10,000,000+ downloads
I am happy to say that my downloads have surpassed 50 million.
I thank you all, especially those who support me so lovingly and faithfully.
I would like to implement many new ideas and hope you continue to enjoy my creations.
New Set release on October 2, 2022--Your Grace Regency Collection, Part I
Dearest Readers,
It's another Sims 3 set inspired by the series Bridgerton, Your Grace Regency collection Part I and the set is schedule for publication on October 2, 2022. Part II is coming soon and I hope you enjoy the set.
The Duke and I have moved into the enormous Clyvedon Castle and it's time to redecorate the place. Your Grace Regency Collection Part I, includes 8 new meshes, which are a vanity dressing table with lots of slots for decorative items, a mirror for the vanity dressing table, an elegant candelabra with a bee motif, a vanity tray with makeup, a large bottle of perfume, hair brushes and hand mirror, a set of hatboxes filled with copies of Lady Whistledown's gossip sheets and a vanity chair. Stay tuned for Your Grace Regency Collection Part II, which is coming soon and I hope you enjoy the set.
A Your Grace Regency collection folder is available for download at MediaFire,
On a Break!
Im starting a new chapter in my life so I wont be creating for a while. So until my next creation...Take care!
Redecorated Jenba Trailer Park
Hello! I already told that I'm a fan of #Jenba houses. This time I'm at the Hawthorne Trailer Park.
As always I redecorate to taste. What I wanted to share is that for the first time I did not use mods, no cc!
Hope you like. Cheers! YeYe
P.D.You can see the hanging chair. I couldn't figure out how to hang it haha.
If anyone knows please let me know.
🖤 17/08/2022 🖤 FEATURED ARTIST 🖤
OMG I still don't believe it... I am a Featured Artist at TSR! 9 months ago I started this journey as a content creator, full of a lot of enthusiasm and creativity in my mind, learning day by day, it fills me with a lot of happiness to be here, I am very grateful to the staff and the community in TSR, thank you for so much support and for believing in me, I will continue as always bringing you quality content for your beautiful sims.
Infinite thanks!! Love, Wisteria 🖤
Beds fix - now working with High School EP
Hello Simmers!
Finally all of our beds are fixed.
👉 All beds from TSR website are fixed. Please redownload.
👉 If you were a supporter of our premium sets (Thank you for your support!), the beds were sent to the email you used at PayPal by the time you made the transaction. In case you've changed the email, let us know the one you used at that time and we will send the file to your new mail.
👉 If you were a passionate patron and got one of our beds as a gift on the time it was released, we sent the fixed beds to patrons emails as well.
We thank the TSR staff for helping us and batch fixing most of our beds 👍
Now, we really need a few days break 😫
See you soon...
Hello Simmers!
All my beds were updated on August 6, 2022 for update 1.90 High School Years. In the description of each file there is a mark about the correction (revision date).
Enjoy the game ❤