I have decided to buy a subscription to TSR, I tried to buy a subscription here once before, Years ago, But everytime I filled out the form, For some reason, It wouldn't take my credit card! My credit card was good too! I even sent a e-mail letting them know I was having problems, But I think they thought it was my credit card, I never got any resolution, I never got a subscription either, Sad because I was in the depth of my addiction to the Sims 2, So I started hanging out at Modthesims and got all my downloads from there, I hardly ever came back to TSR until now, For the past Month, I've been practically living here! lol So far I have found ten treasure chests, I'm starting to think I won't find the other three, Could they be in the forums I'm wondering? I love the people here, They have welcomed me and are really very nice! If TSR is having any problems like some I've read about, I can't tell until I can't get the website to load, Then I think Ut-oh, But it's back up and I'm glad! I've decided not to spend my kudos, Because I really don't know what to spend them on, Can you buy a Minisite? Isn't my profile page a Minisite? I'm so confused, I've been told you get a banner with the Minisite, So buying a banner would be stupid, So I put that ideal out my head, Anyways I'm wondering now should I buy my subscription now or wait until Sims 3 comes out? I know I'll wait until next Month either way, Will it count towards the Sims 3 stuff too? Thanks for reading! Please feel free to leave comments.