A few of you may be wondering about my prolonged dusky spell. Not to worry. I got bit by the tomb spider and since the first of the year I've thrown all my energy into learning and producing them. I will have some tangeable results by the time our next theme hits the streets in April.
In a sub catagory of lot downloads lies a catagory called tombs, it's been there since around September last and there are 9 submissions in it. After almost three months of working with them I can now understand completely why that is. I wish though that more people would find that extra bit of tenacity to stick with it because there are SO many new possibilities and realms now for the builder to explore than one could ever imagine. This first project of mine, for instance, has found me totally caught up not just in constructing the tomb but building a plausible story line and plot around it. There are other spin off bunny trails too like story telling, machima and sim characters that can all tie into any given tomb project . You can even try a collaberative effort as I'm doing with Fredbrenny, one of our premier story writers.
Whether traditional or digital, how many strategy type games are out there? It's really too difficult to number, isn't it. Well that's the blue ocean that I'm seeing here. The exciting challange in it for me is how to translate some of those concepts into a sim tomb. In this first project I've attempted to put a working sudoku puzzle in the tomb for your sim to work out, just make sure they bring a pencil and grid paper in with them.
If you are a builder, do consider it. The learning curb can be arduous particularly if you are right brain challanged like me, but at the same time I've never felt like I've been in the flow more than ever recently.
If you like to stratagise, seek out a good builder and hook up with them. You will both have a blast I'm telling you!
If you are a simmer who also likes strategy games, stay tuned because all this effort is for you!!