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Created for: The Sims 3
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1097154
ItemID: 1097154
Revision: 3 (updated Mar 2, 2013)
Filesize: 104 KB
* After researching information about the patch that gives people the option to have body hair in Create-A-Sim without having to buy the 'Generations' expansion pack I found that the patch has been removed from 'The Sims 3' website. I do not know why Electronic Arts (EA) removed the patch only that it appeared to be some sort of bug in the patch that was problematic. However, before EA had the chance to remove the patch someone who had gotten it uploaded it to a third party site. Here is the link to the web page that provides the link to get the patch. As indicated at 'SimPrograms' please note that should you install this patch in your game despite the fact that it was removed from 'The Sims 3' official site you would be using it at your own risk
Credits: TSR Workhshop
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