Created for: The Sims 3
At the heart of Rohan society is Edoras, the city of High King Theoden ruling from Meduseld, the golden mead hall of the Horse Lords. The Meduseld has 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths and the dining hall. In the town below is a tavern/kitchen, a smithy/workshop/bedroom, a temple/library and a seamstress shop with a consignment register.
Extra CC Not Inclded (package files)
-Granthe's OMSP at
-Abnormal Simulation OMSP Resizers at
-Ihawk07's Shipwrecked spit at
Store Items include: Al Fresco Market; Full Interior Castle/Castle Kits (Double Door, Beacon of Brightness, Banner of the Bold, Great Lord So-and-So Shield, Treasure Chest, Chandelier); Gothique Armor; Goth Book O'Spells; Tiki Outdoor (Island Shutter Panes; Guardian Gate, Vic's Door); Killer Classics (Antlers Display, Fittest Fixture); Hacienda Luxury (El Cordero, Don Pedro Dresser and Fireplace); Regal Living (Pallas Bookshelf, Penelope Bed); Hewnsman (Treasure Box); Vaindenberger (Fraud Laug); Storybook (Magique Arch); Faire Folk (End Table); Happily Ever After (Hood Lamp); and Japanese Insp (Alchemy End Table). Theoden's Fortress Bed and the Peguestrian Horse sculpture in the basement are from the Medieval Mystery Bundle.
Short URL:
ItemID: 1194292
Filesize: 44 MB
The TSR Creations below were used in this Creation.

Install the Extra CC Not Included that I linked to above in your Packages folder FIRST, or the lot will NOT install! EPs Patched to 1.50 include WA, AMB, LN, SHT, SN, SSNS. I own all Store Worlds, but the ones you'll especially need are Aurora Skies, Hidden Springs, Sunlit Tides, and Monte Vista. I had to take out several CC items that refused to Rig Fix for me, that are listed in the Recommended Items links. They were safe to use in-game, but refused to read in the submission upload as Pets Patch friendly for whatever reason. Also, I included a few creations of mine I didn't bother uploading (a column, a door, and chair), cuz the quality on them's far from great. Please don't re-upload my stuff as your own creation
Credits: Peter Jackson, Tolkien, TSRAA, the above CC artists
- Price Unfurnished: 100000
- Price Furnished: 300000
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Bedrooms: 4
- Bathrooms: 3
- Stories: 2
- Lot Size (z): 50
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.