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Created for: The Sims 3
Love the obstacles for the horses in Pets but wanted to build my own.
So i cloned one of the higher walls obstacles and deleted the wall.
Did include the poles from the water obstacles and the helper arrows.(see screenshots).
Placing the obstacle is pretty much unlimited when it comes to routing(changed the large footprint) just keep in mind you do need some space between them.
When a horse hits the obstacle red arrows will popup(instead of the green) wich means you need to rebuild it(in theory).
You can keep jumping it when its down but you keep hearring the drop down sound each time you jump.
If you figured out how to place and jump them you can use the 2nd recolour wich does not have the helper arrows.
You do need to be a more experienced horse/man before you can jump this obstacle!!
You can pretty much place everything between the 2 poles, i used cars, sims sleeping in bed, walls, plants etc etc.
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Filesize: 355 KB
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