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Created for: The Sims 3
Bringing you reliable luxury for more than a century.
Price: 120,000 simoleons
Update 6-27-11: I have separated the color channels of the dashboard and the seats. You can color the dashboard a different color than the seat now. The rear view mirror has been included to match the color of the dashboard. The seats when colored are more defined. With the exception of bright white the seats no longer lose their detail when light colors are used. No longer is it necessary to use two color channels to maintain detail on the seats which was why the spare color channel was used for the dashboard and rear view mirror. On the second style vehicle that has the bra on it the color you make the dashboard will be the color of the bra. The detail on the seats on this version is very nice as well.
Hi everyone. I know I've been away for a while. Final Fantasy XIV went live for those who bought the collector's edition and I just HAD to get my money's worth :D
I deduced that since I've been away for a while I should do something more than submit clothes...
Introducing the Mercedes-Benz
There are four versions of this car for use; the exterior and interior of all four are recolorable. The original vehicle has silver rims and accessories with one recolorable area for its exterior and two recolorable parts for its interior. The reason there are two channels for the interior is when one creates a mask to make an item recolorable it tends to lessen the detail of the item in exchange for color variety. To remedy this problem I used two channels so that simmers can use one channel for light colors and the second channel for dark colors so, when combined together, it will provide detail to the seats. Should you use light or dark colors on both interior channels your seats will look like the detail-less mesh it's made from.
The second car options let's simmers recolor both inside and outside of the car. In addition, it comes with a netted car bra that is also recolorable. Including the car bra as a recolor option sacrificed some of the detail on the seats somewhat but they still look pretty good though :)
The third car option is similar to the original car except that it comes with gold rims and accessories. Lastly, the fourth car option is the same as the second car but comes with gold rims and accessories. Confused yet? :D
Well, I'm off to FF XIV again. Working on this creation took quite a bit of time away from my character development on that game. Time I got her up to speed. Enjoy the download :)
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ItemID: 1013796
Revision: 3 (updated Jun 27, 2011)
Filesize: 2 MB
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