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Created for: The Sims 3
The breed origin can be traced to medieval times when writings told of an Oriental breed of horse found in the Southern Tyrolean Mountains of present day Austria and northern Italy. Many of the villages and farms in the Tyrol were accessible only by narrow paths requiring agile and surefooted horses for transportation and packing. Artwork from the region in the early 1800s depicts a noble chestnut horse with riders and packs traversing steep mountain trails. The specialty of the Haflinger lies, of course, in its unique golden chestnut coloring with a long, flowing white mane and tail. But more unique is the people-loving, willing and forgiving temperament that was established over centuries of living alongside and working with the mountain peasants, serving all purposes for all family members. Haflingers very simply became part of the family.
The modern Haflinger is now found all over the world, active in such varied disciplines as dressage, jumping, vaulting, packing, pleasure driving, CDE, western trail riding, CTE, endurance riding, draft work and therapeutic riding programs. Haflingers hold their own in competition with other breeds, often showing surprising athleticism and strength for their size.
(Source: http://www.haflingerhorse.com/)
Type: Horse - Female
Age: Adult
Traits: Obedient, Quiet, Friendly
I've used no skins, sliders or facemasks!
This pet was created in a vanilla game without any CC.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1214126
ItemID: 1214126
Filesize: 587 KB
PLEASE DO NOT RE-UPLOAD, modify or claim as your own!
I've all expansions and stuff packs installed.
Following expansions are needed:
Expansion Pack "Pets"
Created with Game version: and Patch level:
I’ve used Guardgian’s ‘The Mill’ for taking the screenshots.
You can find the lot in the 'Recommended Items' area!
This pet is created without skins, sliders or facemasks.
Just install the pet via launcher.
After installing, it appears in the - Create a Sim - (CAS) mode.
You'll find it between the pre-made sims and pets,
so you can still modify the name, gender, character and appearance of the pet...
- Pet Gender: Female
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.