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Created for: The Sims 3
A Hanoverian is a warmblood horse originating in Germany, which is often seen in the Olympic Games and other competitive English riding styles, and have won gold medals in all three equestrian Olympic competitions. It is one of the oldest, most numerous, and most successful of the warmbloods. Originally a carriage horse, infusions of Thoroughbred blood lightened it to make it more agile and useful for competition. The Hanoverian is known for a good temperament, athleticism, beauty, and grace. The horses are elegant, strong, and robust. They are bred to be willing and trainable, and have a strong back, powerful body, athletic movement, and strong limbs. Chestnut, bay, brown, black, and gray are found the most often.(Source: Wikipedia)
Type: Horse - Male
Age: Adult
Traits: Obedient, Neat, Friendly
I've used no skins, sliders or facemasks!
This pet was created in a vanilla game without any CC.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1216248
ItemID: 1216248
Filesize: 478 KB
PLEASE DO NOT RE-UPLOAD, modify or claim as your own!
I've all expansions and stuff packs installed.
Following expansions are needed:
Expansion Pack "Pets"
Created with Game version: and Patch level:
This pet is created without skins, sliders or facemasks.
Just install the pet via launcher.
After installing, it appears in the - Create a Sim - (CAS) mode.
You'll find it between the pre-made sims and pets,
so you can still modify the name, gender, character and appearance of the pet.
- Pet Gender: Male
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.