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Created for: The Sims 3
This is a Set with 3 Creations - Click here to show all
While reading a dutch interior magazine, 101 woonideeen, I came across a beautiful DIY-project for creating your own art/painting. And as I'm not that skilful to make it, I decided to mesh it for my game which resulted in the Avana Heart Painting. To make the set more complete I made two additional paintings, one with recolorable designs to fit your own likings and one non-recolorable. A perfect solution for decorating your walls and art-loving sims.
Custom Content used in the screenshots:
Lykke Books by DT456
Canning Pattern by Zhaana
Rocking Chair and Sofa by me, yet to be released
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1112352
ItemID: 1112352

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