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Created for: The Sims 3
Gen. George Hammond from the Stargate SG-1 TV series.
Initially I've made Hammond with the base of an adult, but it didn't have the wrinkles and the face so accentuated as an elder would have, so I decided in the end to go on the elder option. However the elder sims can't be any more fat than this, so it may not resemble the real Gen Hammond from the movie from the body shape perspective. Also I couldn't give the face a more round profile to better match it to his movie counterpart.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/913167
ItemID: 913167
Filesize: 691 KB
Please do not re-upload
Credits: Ghost21
- Favorite Music: 4
- Favorite Food: 11
- Favorite Color: 0xff0ee6de
- Traits : b82d0015b92941c0, 04c800171bd46aa0, b82d0015b9294320, b82d0015b92941d0, 04c8001a10227500
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