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Created for: The Sims 3
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
Sim version of character from Rozario to Vampire: Moka Akashiya - A Vampiress who is suppressed inside a human form by a Rosary. Moka has made plenty of friends but she is not too sociable. She enjoys being a part of the newspaper club in school.
Moka is a taurus - mean spirited, genius, star quality and a good sim.
This sim is in her teens and has not been bitten by a vampire yet.
This Sims3pack does not contain any Custom Content. No custom sliders were used in creation of this sim. All hair and clothes are from the Sims3 game and its expansions. Packed with base game clothes. There should be no problem installing this sim.
I have all Sims3 expansions and stuff packs as well as the latest game update.
Custom Content that was used in game screen shots but not included in the packed sim:
Hair - peggyzone.com free hairstyle section - ID: #000010
Eyes - Starlight Eyes by Pralinesims on TSR
Eyeliner - Every girls eye liner with lashes by Flinn on TSR
Eyeshadow - Smokey Winged Eyeshadow Pralinesims on TSR
Eyebrow - Aprils Eyebrow by MissDaydreams on TSR
Blush - Mineral Powder Foundation Pralinesims on TSR
Lips - Sheer Lipshine Pralinesims on TSR
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1150427
ItemID: 1150427
Filesize: 932 KB
I have all Sims3 expansions and stuff packs as well as the latest game update.
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
Required Expansion/Stuff Packs: