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This is Kit Ying, a Chinese-Vietnamese professional author. She donates to animal shelters, reads a lot of books and enjoys time on her computer. She does tend to get a little over dramatic sometimes when writing her books or playing with animals.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1208405
ItemID: 1208405
Filesize: 1001 KB
I have all Expansion and Stuff Packs, but only the Base Game, Generations (Everyday, Formal, Athletic and Outerwear), Master Suite Stuff (Sleepwear) and Seasons (Outerwear) were used in pictures. These are the custom contents that are on Kit Ying in the pictures:
~Hair-Skysims Hair 006
~Skintone-Pralinesims 8.0 Asian
~Eyebrows-Base Game Default Replacements "High Full Tweezed" by Simmiller
~Eyes-Default Replacements by Pavic
~Eyelashes-Female Mesh and Design Set II by S-Club Privée
~Lipstick-Delicate Pearl Lip Cream by Pralinesims
~Swimwear-Sophie Bikini by Juliana at Ace Creators
Sim is packaged with Base Game hair, skin, eyebrows, eyes, makeup and Generations clothes, along with Seasons for the Outerwear. She was created with all the sliders from aWT (except for the Hat and Bulbous Head ones) which are no longer on his blog, so he shared them here and all of bella3lek4's sliders @ ModTheSims, and the slider hack (version 1.50, mods NUMSliders and 5X) from S-Club Privée
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
Required Expansion/Stuff Packs: